Model United Nations (MUN)
Description: A club that has interests in world affairs, especially in the diplomacy and other actions exercised by the United Nations. The club teaches parliamentary procedure, geography, history & economics to enable members to participate as knowledgeable delegates at Model UN conferences where resolutions and action for different world crises are discussed.
How to get involved: Contact Mr. Lillie ([email protected])and attend a meeting if you are interested.
Meeting Time(s): Every other week on Tuesdays, 7:10-7:40 am in room 119.
Advisor: Mr. Lillie
Events: Members attend and/or participate South East CT World Affairs Council (SECWAC) meetings and at least one conference per year. An field trip to Yale, Harvard, U Mass Amherst and or Clark University occurs, in March over the 3rd weekend.
Commitment/Expectations for attendance for meetings, practice(s), and/or event(s):
This club expects a minimal commitment from students (30 min - 1 hr/week). Students should attend weekly morning meetings unless they are seeking extra help from another teacher. If absent, students must let advisor know prior to the meeting. Sign-in occurs at meetings. Students are encouraged to attend and participate in SECWAC meetings, one conference and a field trip throughout the year.