Come meet, ask questions and listen to Molly McCarthy, CCSU, Assistant Director of Compliance, March 15, 2017 @ 7:00pm in the High School Auditorium. She will have a 45 minute presentation and a Q & A on....
1. Choosing the right fit for you--athletics, academics etc. Differences between Division I, II and III colleges in regards to academics and athletics and overall experience. 2. NCAA academic requirements for Division I, III and III colleges. What is the NCAA, What is the NCAA registration and review process, what are the specific NCAA Academic Requirements to be eligible in college to compete, practice and receive a scholarship, if offered. 3. College recruitment process: how to reach out to a college coach, the recruitment timeline from the college coaches' perspective, myths and truths about the college athletic experience, general NLI/Scholarship information, what coaches are looking for in a recruit. Please take a minute to RSVP if you plan to attend, hope to see you there!! RSVP HERE
Congratulations to the girls gymnastics team, who finished 2nd at the CIAC Class S State Championship Saturday. The girls did a fantastic job representing Lyme-Old Lyme both athletically and with great sportsmanship.
We are excited to announce that online registration through FamilyID ( is now open for spring sports. If you have not used FamilyID yet, it is a secure registration platform that provides you with an easy, user-friendly way to register for our athletic programs, and helps us to be more administratively efficient and environmentally responsible. When you register through FamilyID, the system keeps track of your information in your FamilyID profile. You enter your information only once for each family member for multiple uses and multiple programs. Click here new Familyid user Click here for returning Familyid users Important dates: Feb 15 - March 15: Spring Sports Registration on FamilyID March 6: High School Team Night 6:00pm - Auditorium March 7, 8 & 9: High School ImPact Concussion Testing 2:30 - High School Computer Lab 110 March 12: Spring Clean up 12:00pm - HS Campus March 18: First Day of Practice For High School March 27: Middle School Team night 5:00pm - Auditorium March 29 & 30: MS ImPact Concussion Testing 2:30p and 4:00p- MS Computer Lab March TBA - Middle School Try-outs April 3: First Day of Practice Middle School Welcome all to the new LOL Wildcat Athletic Blog!!! As I approach my first full year here as Athletic Director of the Lyme-Old Lyme Schools, I am and will always be looking for new and fun ways to promote our athletic teams and share fun and interesting articles about, you guessed it, sports!!!
With the launching of this blog I look forward to sharing photos, upcoming events, important information and articles I find valuable, while keeping you as up-to-date as possible. I welcome your feedback, comments and your ideas. Please enjoy reading the blog as much as I will enjoy posting. |