Lyme-Old Lyme Middle School
Fall Sports Registration Requirements & Information Girls & Boys Cross Country & Girls & Boys Soccer Online registration and clearance from the athletic department must be completed prior to participating in any workout with our school teams. To prevent from being held out of practice, begin the registration process and submit all documents as soon as possible. Please direct ALL questions to Hildie Heck, Athletic Director, at [email protected] or by calling (860) 434-1651 ext. 1014 unless otherwise noted. REQUIREMENTS TO PARTICIPATE: 1. Up-to-Date PHYSICAL EXAM Please confirm with the nurse that student(s) physical(s) are up to date. Please submit all physicals to the Ms. Samantha Ward, RN – LOL Middle School Nurse. 2. REGISTRATION ON FAMILYID.COM REGISTRATION OPENS ON 07/01/19 REGISTRATION CLOSES ON 08/30/19 Complete the online athletic registration at A link can also be found under Athletics at When completing the online registration, you will be fulfilling the requirement for the following forms and agreements: Permission to Participate in Athletics Extracurricular Activities Notification Acknowledgement Medical Data Sheet Concussion and Head Injury Awareness & Consent Sudden Cardiac Arrest Program 3. MANDATORY IMPACT TESTING Wednesday, 8/28 Boys Soccer 2:30 PM Computer Lab South – Rm. 418 Girls Soccer 3:30 PM Computer Lab South – Rm. 418 Thursday, 8/29 Boys Cross Country 2:30 PM Computer Lab South Girls Cross Country 3:30 PM Computer Lab South If you are unable to attend testing on the dates mentioned above, please contact our nurse, Sammee Ward, at 860-434-2568 ext. 2008 to set up an individual appointment. If you are picking up your student after concussion testing, please pick them up in the front of the middle school. If you are taking the late bus home, it will depart at 4:00 PM from LOLHS. 4. $0 BALANCE ON MY SCHOOL BUCKS Also, please check your child’s My School Bucks account to ensure there is a zero balance. Payments can be made online or students can bring in a check and give directly to our lunch staff. All students participating in a fall activity, such as athletics, need to start the season with a zero balance. Questions regarding your child’s account can be directed to Gary Holland, Director of Food Services for Chartwells. ([email protected]). 5. Complete school registration and emergency information on FamilyID: Dear Parents/Guardians,
I hope this letter finds you happy, healthy and enjoying the summer break. In preparation for the 2019 Fall Athletic Season I have enclosed some important information and deadlines for the upcoming school year. Registration for Fall Sports will open on familyid starting Monday, July 1, 2019. The final day to accept registration online is Monday, August 19th. This deadline is required as time is needed prior to the start of the season to review forms, compile medical information, resolve all outstanding obligation and inform coaches of student’s eligibility. Please help us help your student-athlete to participate without any delay. In order to participate in ANY sport a student must meet all requirements stated in the Lyme-Old Lyme Athletic Handbook, which can be found on the Region18 website. The Mandatory Fall Sports Night for parents and players will be Thursday, August 15th at 6:30pm at LOLHS. The nurses will be available to check on the status of your child’s physical that night, however; it is recommended that you contact our health office prior to the night. Anyone interested in participating in football, must complete registration prior to practice on August 19th. You will need to be cleared through the Lyme-Old Lyme athletic department prior to attending any practices or workouts with Valley Regional. Football season begins on Monday, August 19th. Once registration is complete, your information will be forwarded to the Valley Coaches and Athletic Director who will contact you with more information about the upcoming season so the sooner you get registered on familyid the better. CHECKLIST FOR PARTICIPATION IN FALL SPORTS:
REGISTRATION PROCESS: Our schools sport registration is offered via online registration through FamilyID is a secure registration platform that provides you with an easy, user-friendly way to register for our programs, and helps us to be more administratively efficient. When you register through FamilyID, the system keeps track of your information in your FamilyID profile. You enter your information only once for each family member for multiple uses and multiple programs, you will only ever need to update information and resubmit each athletic season… ***When completing the online registration, you will be fulfilling the requirement for the following forms and agreements.
At any time, you may log in at to update your information and to check your registration(s) and their status. To view a completed registration, select the 'Registration' tab on the blue bar. For support with registration or questions regarding familyid Contact FamilyID at: [email protected] or 888-800-5583 x1. Support is available 7 days per week and messages will be returned promptly. If you have any questions, please contact Athletic Director Hildie Heck via email at [email protected] or by calling 860-434-1651 ext. 1014. Hildie Heck Athletic Director Lyme-Old Lyme Public Schools |