Back-to-School Reminders for Athletes Wanting to Continue Playing Sports Beyond High School9/30/2022 As this year again brings unique challenges, the Eligibility Center is working to assist you at every step. While you work to prioritize things, here are the three top things you can do to assist those student-athletes who carry their dream of playing college athletics into your office.1. Advise Students to Register. Encourage student-athletes wanting to study and compete at an NCAA school to register with the Eligibility Center at Students should plan to register before their freshman year of high school (or year nine of secondary school) with a free Profile Page account. Profile Page account registrants get an NCAA ID and important reminders from the Eligibility Center as they progress through high school. These accounts can be transitioned to a paid Certification account at any time. Any student planning to compete in NCAA Division I or II sports must create a Certification account before taking an official visit or signing a National Letter of Intent.2. Update Core-Course List. Update your school's core-course list by visiting the High School Portal. If you believe your school's list is accurate, please log in to verify you have no updates. This will refresh your account and let our team know your core-course list is current and correct. 3. Upload Sixth Semester Transcripts. Visit the High School Portal to upload sixth semester transcripts for your incoming senior student-athletes. If you have never uploaded a student-athlete's transcript, click here to learn how. If you have additional semesters included since the last upload, please continue to upload these transcripts now so that the Eligibility Center may complete preliminary reviews. COVID-19 Automatic Waiver—2023-24 Enrollment
As announced in the April newsletter, the NCAA Eligibility Center partnered with the NCAA membership to identify adjustments to the initial-eligibility certification process for students who initially enroll full time in a collegiate institution during the 2023-24 academic year. Division I Core-Course Time Limitation For students who initially enroll full time in 2022-23 or 2023-24, up to six core-course units completed after starting the seventh semester (and before full-time enrollment) will be used in the student’s certification for initial eligibility to practice, compete and receive financial aid at a Division I school. This flexibility applies regardless of whether the student graduated on time or when the courses are completed (i.e., during the academic year or summer term). Distance, E-Learning and Hybrid Programs Due to COVID-19, the NCAA Eligibility Center is not requiring a separate review for distance, e-learning or hybrid programs offered by schools with NCAA-approved core courses in spring/summer 2020 through the 2022-2023 academic year. Therefore, a course taken through these types of programs may be used in the NCAA initial-eligibility certification process if the standard course title is approved on your list of core courses. However, for courses completed on or after September 1, 2023, via distance, e-learning or hybrid programs, a separate program review will be required (if a review has not already been completed) to determine if these courses can be used in the NCAA initial-eligibility certification process. Click here to learn more about these important adjustments. For questions about the program review process or to begin the program review process, please call the NCAA Customer Service Center at 877-622-2321 Monday-Friday, 8:30 a.m. to 5:30 p.m. Eastern time. Coming Soon! 2022-23 Guide for the College-Bound Student-AthleteThis year's edition of the Guide for the College-Bound Student-Athlete has been delayed to ensure it is reflecting the most recent changes impacting prospective student-athletes. The 2022-23 edition will be released early September. Any orders received prior will be held and fulfilled with the 2022-23 edition when available. The 2021-22 edition continues to be available for download here. Eligibility Center Account Types ChangingEffective September 2022Account types for college-bound domestic and international student-athletes are changing effective September 2022. The three new account types are: