By NHS Member, Cora Koproski
On April 12, the students of NHS had the pleasure of going to the Senior Center. Members of NHS had planned and prepared this event for a couple of months and we are thrilled that we successfully made it happen! We wanted to allow the Senior citizens to have a memorable and enjoyable time interacting with the students of NHS and vise versa. NHS students planned to have an ice cream social and trivia which was a big hit among the senior citizens. The day was shared with many laughs and smiles. It was really nice and humbling to hear the seniors share some of their life memories with us and allow us to hear some of their amazing accomplishment’s they achieved in their life. We all left with huge smiles on are faces and felt proud that we contributed to this extremely fun event allowing the seniors to have a great time! Here are some photos that Olivia Scott captured on this awesome trip! Eight students in the Microsoft Office Certification class earned the status of Specialist or Expert in Word by passing the certification exam given by Microsoft. Congratulations to Brittney Barbato, Hunter Collins, Britney DeRoehn, Cole Hamparian, Alexander Montville, Julia Reynolds, Carson Swope and Colleen Walsh for achieving the status of Specialist. Carson Swope went on to pass an additional test to become an Expert in Word. With an industry-recognized certification in Microsoft programs, students will graduate with valuable real-world skills to help them succeed in college and beyond. The students are now busily studying for the Excel certification test.
Way to go Wildcats!
![]() 2018 Lymen Yearbook Sales End May 1st. You will not be able to order a yearbook after this date. This is the link to online ordering: BUY A YEARBOOK Any questions should be addressed to Mr. Raiti or Mr. Eckhart Sal's in Old Saybrook is sponsoring a Safe Grad Dinner Night this Wednesday, April 25 ALL DAY!
Sal's will generously donate 50% of the full day's profit to this year's Safe Grad event ![]() Congratulations to the Lyme / Old Lyme High School Science Olympiad team for their impressive showing at the High School Science Olympiad tournament! The Lyme/Old Lyme High School Science Olympiad team, in just its second year of competing, advanced 23 places from last year with their fabulous showing of 7th place overall this year! Quite an accomplishment on any level but take into account that 11 students had to field what should be a 15-person team and you get an idea of the perseverance, tenacity, and drive that our Olympians demonstrated. The Lyme-Old Lyme Science Olympiad team put forth a tremendous and relentless effort! The team’s first run to the podium for a medal was by the high school team Captains Brynn McGlinchey and Gary Bocian with their 4th place medal in Forensics. Nick Fava and Nic Roth were next on the glorious podium-run with their 3rd place finish in Mission Possible. Ryan McTigue and Emily O’Brien would follow with a coveted gold medal in Optics. Lastly, another gold medal run was made by Ryan McTigue and Kylie Hall for rocks and minerals. In addition to competing on the high school Science Olympiad team, many of the Olympians have also taken on a leadership role and coach specific events for the middle school team. Kylie Hall has also taken on the additional and mammoth role of coaching both the middle school and high school Science Olympiad teams and this effort is key to the teams’ success. The Lyme/Old Lyme Science Olympiad team is certainly a community effort with parents and community members all offering their time and expertise to help in a competition that consists of 23 STEM events that change every year! The Lyme/Old Lyme community support, whether it is directly coaching the Olympians, helping to manage all the behind-the-scenes tasks, making monetary donations to allow the team to purchase much-needed supplies, or any of the other ways the community has supported the team are truly why the Lyme-Old Lyme Science Olympiad team has been so successful. A special thank you to Pfizer and Benchmark Wealth Management who continue to invest in their community by supporting the Lyme/Old Lyme Science Olympiad team. Thank you for your continued support; together we are making a difference! WELL DONE WILDCATS! Head Coaches: Kylie Hall & Shannon Glorioso
Olympians on LOLHS team:
Just in case you haven't had a chance to check out the daily logs from the students studying in Spain, you can take a peak by selecting the link below ... each day there is a description of their activities as well as a short video produced by the students... and in true Wildcat style, posing with the LOLHS Wildcat Flag long the way... Great stuff!
Greater Middlesex County Math League 2017-2018 final awards: On April 9th Lyme-Old Lyme High School Math Team along with family members attended the official awards banquet for the 2017-2018 season. It was once again a very successful year for our mathlets.
CONGRATULATIONS to both teams, to the top individual scorers and to all team members as the overall success of our Math Team depends on each and every one of you! Here are the members of our Math Dream Team: Nikolai Stephens-Zumbaum and Mary Wholean – 8th grade, Connie Pan and Juliette Atkinson – freshmen, Ted Wayland, Evan St. Louis, Ryan McTigue and Rachael Larson – sophomores, Brynn McGlinchey, Hannah Morrison, Sophie Kyle and Josh Liefeld – juniors and Reed Spitzer, Caroline Wholean and Gabriel Stephens-Zumbaum – seniors. Congratulations again! ![]() Ann Cote is the Lyme-Old Lyme Chamber of Commerce business student of the month. Ann began her career in business education becoming a Microsoft Office specialist by passing all three Microsoft Office certification tests (Word, PowerPoint, and Excel) in the Microsoft Office certification class. Quite an accomplishment for a freshman! She then went on to take all of the accounting classes and is currently doing an independent study in accounting and taking Management and Entrepreneurship. Ann excels in Quick Books and is always willing to help other classmates with the program. Congratulations to Ann and best wishes on her future in business. The Axolotl Colony at LOLHS is Looking to Upgrade Their Accommodations![]() Biology students in Mrs. Fried's classes have been raising juvenile axolotls from eggs since Spring 2017. While their "shoe box" tanks were good when they were little, they are in need of slightly larger tanks now. If you have any small fish tanks (5 - 20 gallons) in your garage and you would like to clear the clutter, our axolotls would appreciate the donation of your tank. Please contact Mrs. Fried directly at [email protected] ![]() And... If you are interested in obtaining one as a pet, ... please let us know because we may have a few available at the end of the year! Yup, you too could be a proud owner of one of these Mexican salamanders! (AKA: Mexican walking fish) The LOLHS Show Choir, Amped Up, performed at the Eastern Show Choir Festival in Waltham, MA on Saturday, April 7. The ensemble received a rating of Silver and took third place.
Nice work WILDCATS ... what a great first season! One of LOLHS' students, Fiona Frederiks, participated as a member of the Encountering Survivors Program, in a Holocaust Commemoration which took place at Connecticut College Sunday, April 8. Take a look at the article in a recent copy of the Jewish Leader, a local newspaper published by the Jewish Federation. (See pages 8-9 for photos from the event) On April 3rd, two of Lyme-Old Lyme High School's most talented artists, Claudia Mergy and Gabriel Stephens-Zumbaum, were honored at the Connecticut High School Outstanding Arts Awards Banquet. Congratulations to both of these students for their excellent achievements in in fine arts and music! Claudia will be attending UCLA in the fall to continue her studies in fine arts. Gabriel, while he has not yet decided on where he is going to study yet, knows that music will always be a part of his life as he continues his studies wherever he goes! WELL DONE and CONGRATULATIONS! Congratulations to Ryan Ramella for being selected as the Rotary Student of the Month for Technology and Engineering Education. Ryan is an outstanding Technology and Engineering student who consistently challenges himself and his teachers by raising the bar and always going beyond what is expected. Ryan is an enthusiastic student and talented Technology / Engineering student who will continue his studies in this field . Well done Ryan!
Take a look at this New York Times article published April 2, 2018 which discusses the issues faced by schools today.
Yet again, LOLHS shines with their annual lip sync competition. 1st place went to Liam Clark, Tyler Clark and Matt Crisp for their performance of Right Brain/Left Brain followed by the teachers group in 2nd place performing King Tut! And last, but certainly not least, Maggy Biega and Maeve Kolb took 3rd place with Ice Ice Baby. Take a look at the fun (and laughs) that was had by all! By: Shannon Glorioso and Kylie Hall Congratulations to the Lyme / Old Lyme High School Science Olympiad team for their impressive showing at the High School Science Olympiad tournament! The Lyme/Old Lyme High School Science Olympiad team, in just its second year of competing, advanced 23 places from last year with their fabulous showing of 7th place overall this year! Quite an accomplishment on any level but take into account that 11 students had to field what should be a 15-person team and you get an idea of the perseverance, tenacity, and drive that our Olympians demonstrated. The Lyme-Old Lyme Science Olympiad team put forth a tremendous and relentless effort! The team’s first run to the podium for a medal was by the high school team Captains Brynn McGlinchey and Gary Bocian with their 4th place medal in Forensics. Nick Fava and Nic Roth were next on the glorious podium-run with their 3rd place finish in Mission Possible. Ryan McTigue and Emily O’Brien would follow with a coveted gold medal in Optics. Lastly, another gold medal run was made by Ryan McTigue and Kylie Hall for rocks and minerals. In addition to competing on the high school Science Olympiad team, many of the Olympians have also taken on a leadership role and coach specific events for the middle school team. Kylie Hall has also taken on the additional and mammoth role of coaching both the middle school and high school Science Olympiad teams and this effort is key to the teams’ success. The Lyme/Old Lyme Science Olympiad team is certainly a community effort with parents and community members all offering their time and expertise to help in a competition that consists of 23 STEM events that change every year! The Lyme/Old Lyme community support, whether it is directly coaching the Olympians, helping to manage all the behind-the-scenes tasks, making monetary donations to allow the team to purchase much-needed supplies, or any of the other ways the community has supported the team are truly why the Lyme-Old Lyme Science Olympiad team has been so successful. A special thank you to Pfizer and Benchmark Wealth Management who continue to invest in their community by supporting the Lyme/Old Lyme Science Olympiad team. Thank you for your continued support; together we are making a difference! Head Coaches: Kylie Hall & Shannon Glorioso
Olympians on LOLHS team: *Gary Bocian – 4th place medal Forensics Ethan Carrion Emma Danes Nick Fava – 3rd place medal Mission Possible *Kylie Hall – 1st place medal Rocks and Minerals *Rachael Larson *Lizzy McCarthy *Brynn McGlinchey – 4th place medal Forensics *Ryan McTigue – 1st place medal Rocks and Minerals and 1st place medal Optics *Emily O’Brien – 1st place medal Optics *Samantha Olson *Nic Roth - 3rd place medal Mission Possible *Coach for Middle School Science Olympiad Team Did you know?
It is National Poetry Month. Come down to the library and enjoy the Book Spine Poetry created by Mrs. Duhamel’s senior english students. While you are here, why not create your own? Poems will be on display for the month of April. A group of 17 students will be traveling to Spain to be immersed in the language and culture. They will be living with a family, attending language classes, and participating in cultural excursions and programs. To follow their adventures, we have created a separate blog page which can be found on the Region 18 website main page as well as from this blog (the link next to NEWS & INFO). The depart April 10! ... also the link below... Spain 2018May Reitz, a teacher at a bilingual New London elementary school, visited the LOLHS Spanish Honors Society a couple weeks ago to present the benefits of knowing multiple languages. She explained that her ability to speak five different languages has helped her to find employment and also to help students at the school where she works who do not speak English. She encouraged Spanish Honors Society students to continue their studies in Spanish and to take advantage of any opportunities to use their knowledge of Spanish language and culture.
The National Merit Scholarship Program was founded to identify and honor scholastically talented American youth and to encourage them to develop their abilities to the fullest. Their mission is to promote scholastic excellence and recognize students who exemplify this goal. This is a very rigorous competition. Scholarship winners are chosen based on their abilities, skills, extracurricular accomplishments, and potential for success in college and beyond.
Lyme Old Lyme High School is proud and honored to recognize and congratulate Sarah Kwon and Sam Fuchs for their achievement of reaching the finalist level of this scholarship program. Sam and Sarah – you are among the top 1% (roughly 15000 students ) in our nation who have achieved this goal. WELL DONE SARAH AND SAM! April 8 is a big day to help out the LOLHS Lacrosse teams... Spend the morning at the Lyme Road Race (access link for info) and the afternoon watching the Black Wolves! Purchase tickets here:
Important Dates: February
14- 22: February Break HOMEWORK FREE! 25: SAT Prep for ALL Juniors Session 1 March 4: SAT Prep for ALL Juniors Session 2 5: ASVAB Testing 7: 1/2 day PD 11: SAT Prep for ALL Juniors Session 3 13-16: Musical "Neewsies" 18: SAT Prep for ALL Juniors Session 4 18: District Choral Concert @ 7 26: SAT for juniors Pre-Order your Sandwich HERE
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