Take a look at all the years LOLHS Science Department has been making such fashion statements! At the annual meeting of the Lyme-Old Lyme Chamber of Commerce held on June 20 at the Old Lyme Country Club, Business and Art students from Lyme-Old Lyme High School were honored and received Chamber awards and scholarships. Prior to receiving a Chamber monetary scholarship, seniors had to prepare an application letter explaining their entrepreneurial endeavors, submit resume-like information, and include a recommendation letter from a teacher or mentor. Those graduating seniors receiving the scholarship included Amanda Marsh, Business Award (attending Fairfield University in the fall); Mason Swaney, Business Award (attending Bentley University in the fall), and Brandon Lee, Art Award (attending Lyme Academy College of Fine Arts). All spoke to the Chamber about their future plans. In addition to the Senior awards, Juniors who had already received a Student-of-the Month award from the Chamber were honored. Those Juniors who received Chamber awards included Alex Montville, Aoife Hufford, and Ann Cote. Those receiving the Junior award, were chosen for their excellence in business classes, each having taken more than two classes with both Business Department teachers, Mrs. Traver and Dr. Hedwall, and for their interest in pursuing a career in business. Congratulations to all the awardees! Theodore Wayland and Evan St. Louis were both featured in LymeLine this month for their respective service projects they accomplished in our community. Take a look at each article but clicking on the respective titles. JOB WELL DONE TED AND EVAN! Wayland’s Eagle Project to Construct Boxes for Retired US Flags in Lyme, Old Lyme Draws High PraiseAnyone for Bocce? St. Louis Renovates Lymes’s Senior Center Courts for Eagle Scout Service ProjectThe Microsoft Office Certification class took the last of the certification tests and the students achieved the following certifications:
PowerPoint Specialist:Britney DeRoehn, Cole Hamparian, Julia Reynolds, Carson Swope, and Colleen Walsh Word Specialist: Michael Battalino Excel Expert: Carson Swope The Web Design class took a brand new certification this semester and Emily Tan achieved the status of Microsoft Technology Associate by passing the Introduction to Programming Using HTML and CSS certification exam. This certification is designed for software engineers, computer programmers, web and application developers. These certification exams are given worldwide to "validate technical expertise through rigorous, industry-proven, and industry-recognized exams" (Microsoft). Ninety-one percent of hiring managers consider employee certification as a criterion for hiring (Certiport). Nice Work Wildcats - Congratulations to you all! Carson Swope achieved the prestigious MOS 2016 Master certification which is the pinnacle of the MOS certification program. He is the first student at the high school to achieve this status. He had to pass six Microsoft certification exams to hold the title of master. Carson passed the Word 2016 Specialist and Expert exams, the Excel 2016 Specialist and Expert exams, the PowerPoint specialist exam and the Outlook exam.
Congratulations Carson on your amazing accomplishment!
Take a look at the last broadcast ... a great segment on Summer Reading and farewell greetings!
![]() CONGRATULATIONS TO BOTH THE BOYS AND GIRLS LACROSSE TEAMS FOR THEIR SUCCESSES THIS SEASON! Both teams competing in the shoreline finals with the boys winning! WAY TO GO WILDCATS! On Wednesday, June 6, Lyme-Old Lyme High School held the culminating event for the Encountering Survivors Program. Under the supervision of Brett Eckhart, LOLHS students welcomed Old Saybrook, Ledyard, and Waterford high schools along with WWII survivors and/or family member. Students from each school shared survivors’ stories and explained how they were impacted by participating in the program. The program included a presentation by Ben Cooper who served as a WWII combat medic and participated in the April 1945 liberation of the Dachau Concentration Camp. It was an amazing experience event.
Take a look at The Day's article that was published on June 6: Encountering Survivors: Students share lessons of the Holocaust Congratulations to Amanda Murphy for being honored at this month's Rotary Student of the Month celebration for her excellence in Health and Physical Education. Amanda was recognized for her unending enthusiasm and motivation in the field of PE and Health. She will be attending Quinnipiac University next year to study nursing.
WAY TO GO AMANDA! Daisy Colvin was selected to participate in the Hugh O'Brian Youth Leadership Seminar (HOBY) this past weekend.
Founded in 1958, HOBY’s mission is to inspire and develop our global community of youth and volunteers to a life dedicated to leadership, service, and innovation. HOBY programs are conducted annually throughout the United States, serving local and international high school students. HOBY provides students, for whom most are selected by their schools, to participate in a unique leadership training, service-learning, and motivation-building experiences beginning a lifelong dedication to improving the lives of others. CONGRATULATIONS DAISY! Oliver Saracino created an Industrial Table Lamp from an old car grille. Photo is courtesy of Ethan Harris and was taken at High Hopes.
On Tuesday, June 5th, the International Thespian Society chapter #5343 inducted 16 new members. ITS is an internationally recognized honor society for actors, technicians, playwrights, and other members of the high school theater community. Congratulations to the following new members:
Old Lyme Players also recognized student performers and technicians with this year’s OLPie Awards. Congratulations to the following:
Best Performance in a Lead Role (Spring Musical) - Jacob Olson Best Performance in a Lead Role (Spring Musical) - Natalie Golden Best Performance in a Supporting Role (Spring Musical) - Caroline Lecour Best Performance in a Supporting Role (Spring Musical) - Sophia Griswold Best Ensemble Member (Spring Musical) - Carter Popkin Tech Angel (Spring Musical) - Tabatha Rubitski Best Performance in a Lead Role (Fall Play) - Phil Sweeney Best Performance in a Lead Role (Fall Play) - Cora Koproski Best Performance in a Supporting Role (Fall Play) - Sean Spina Best Performance in a Supporting Role (Fall Play) - Shannon Nosal Best Ensemble Member (Fall Play) - Sophia Griswold Tech Angel (Fall Play) - Caroline Sirna and... last but certainly not least, Old Lyme Player of the Year - Lauren Mitchell Nice work Wildcats... and CONGRATULATIONS TO ALL! ![]() SPRING SPORTS BANQUET... THIS WEDNESDAY NIGHT! Dinner tickets are available at www.lolboosterclub.org The Booster club requests that student athletes and parents purchase dinner tickets by MONDAY, June 11. Dinner tickets are $12 Purchase at www.lolboosterclub.org The dinner is held at 6:00 June 13 in the Commons before the Awards Presentation in the Auditorium at 6:45. Students and parents can choose to have dinner before the Awards Presentation. A ticket must be purchased for dinner. the following information provided by CAS
2018 Governor’s Scholars Honored: Twenty-two of Connecticut’s top juniors were honored at the Twenty-Second Annual Governor’s Scholars Luncheon at the Aqua Turf Club on May 24, 2018. Sponsored by Horace Mann and the Connecticut Association of Schools, the purpose of this program is to recognize academically high-achieving eleventh-grade students in schools throughout the state. Each CAS member high school may nominate one junior in the top 5% of his/her class to enter the Governor’s Scholars competition. This year, each nominated student responded in writing to an essay prompt concerning leadership challenges and global responsibilities. Members of the Governor’s Scholars Committee, educators throughout Connecticut, chose scholars on the basis of their response to this prompt as well as other factors, including SAT or PSAT scores. In addition to receiving a plaque, each Governor’s Scholar is offered numerous gratis academic opportunities by various colleges and universities throughout the state. Additionally, each scholar may be eligible for a University of Connecticut Academic Excellence Scholarship. Deirdra Preis, chair of the Governor’s Scholars Committee and housemaster at Fairfield Warde High School, welcomed the scholars and their families and guests. “Scholars, you are a credit to your families, your schools, your communities, and to the state of Connecticut. We are all very proud of you,” said Deirdre. We particularly enjoy this event because we get to meet in person, the young people whose applications so deeply impressed and inspired us.” In his opening greetings, CAS Associate Executive Director Dr. Everett Lyons stated, “Today we are continuing a 22-year tradition of honoring a select group of Connecticut’s top high school students in their junior year. The selection criteria are demanding; the competition, since almost every high school nominates a candidate, is intense; and, the process leads to the selection of an elite group designated as Governor’s Scholars.” He then introduced guest speaker Mike Foran, principal of New Britain High School Satellite Careers Academy. Mike has been serving the New Britain Public Schools for over thirty years and, in 2012, was named the National High School Principal of the Year. Mike gave an inspiring address about the power of student voice, commending the emboldened students from Parkland High School who have sparked dialogue and spurred changed across the nation. Speaking on behalf of our event sponsor, Horace Mann, was Regional Director Joseph Ciejka. This event would not be possible without the critical support the company so generously provides. ![]() The Business Department is proud to announce that the following students have successfully demonstrated proficiency in Personal Finance by achieving a passing score on the nationally standardized Financial Literacy Certification Test. Subjects mastered include money, budgeting, banking, credit, insurance, investing, retirement planning, and financial planning and management. The students are officially, nationally Certified Financially Literate! Congratulations to the following students for this outstanding achievement.
On Friday LOLHS held elections after the final class meetings of the year. Congratulations to the following students who were elected as next year's class officers. Class of 2019
President: Gary Bocian Vice President: Caroline Sagristano Secretary: Brynn McGlinchey Treasurer: Sarah Hayward Historian: Britney DeRoehn Class of 2020 President: Maggie Wisner Vice President: Nick Fava Secretary: Trevor Wells Treasurer: Andre Salkin Historian: Chandler Munson Class of 2021 President: Lucas Wood-Muller Vice President: Emma Boardman Secretary: Schuyler Greenho Treasurer: Connie Pan Historian: Francette Donato The class of 2022 was welcomed at the high school on Friday. Students shared a packed day with us. They participated in a student/teacher panel; became acquainted with some upperclassmen who spent some time getting to know them, brought them to a class and shared lunch together; meandered through the Activity Fair to get an idea of the endless opportunities that LOLHS has to offer; and finally, conducted their first class of 2022 meeting. Candidates for class office presented their speeches and students voted for their officers. Congratulations to the following students who were elected as the CLASS of 2022 officers:
President: Frank Sablone Vice President: Ellie Wells Secretary: James Creagan Treasurer: Brendan O'Brien Historian: Elias D'Onofrio It was a great event on Thursday night... a celebration of the class of 2018 as they prepare to step on the stage for their diplomas. Students shared an evening filled with memories which began with a wonderful slideshow produced by Anna Donato. The presentation included not only their 4 year history at LOLHS but also many of their childhood moments that they shared together. They were also treated to a letter that they wrote themselves in middle school. The room went silent when they read these letters... and there were even some tears. The finale was the distribution of yearbooks! The event ended with students hanging around the fire pit or in the dining room, eating smores and signing yearbooks. It was a wonderful evening! Congratulations to the newly inducted National Honor Society members. Students were inducted on Wednesday evening at the scholarly and elegant ceremony followed by a reception. Well done Wildcats! Lauren Williams learned sign language for her Senior Project which she diligently taught to Mrs. Duhamel and Ion Gordon (class of 2017).
Nice Work Lauren! |
Important Dates: February
14- 22: February Break HOMEWORK FREE! 25: SAT Prep for ALL Juniors Session 1 March 4: SAT Prep for ALL Juniors Session 2 5: ASVAB Testing 7: 1/2 day PD 11: SAT Prep for ALL Juniors Session 3 13-16: Musical "Neewsies" 18: SAT Prep for ALL Juniors Session 4 18: District Choral Concert @ 7 26: SAT for juniors Pre-Order your Sandwich HERE
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