Have you ever heard of the world renown Newport Jazz Festival? I bet many of you have, or have actually attended it... or maybe even wished you had. But, how AMAZING is it to actually perform on the main stage? One of our own, Lyme-Old Lyme High School junior, Sophia Griswold did just that this past summer! Sophia was accepted to the Berklee Global Jazz Institute - a 5 day institute where students from around the world worked alongside professional musicians. Sophia was a U.S. representative among students from Argentina, South Africa, Australia, Israel, Netherlands, Costa Rica, Chile, Puerto Rica, Panama - all young, talented musicians invited to learn, rehearse, work alongside some major musicians in Jazz including Grammy Award winner Danilo Perez (piano), Tia Fuller (saxophone), Terri Lyne (drums), and Jason Palmer (trumpet) along with other Berklee faculty. When asked what impacted her the most, Sophia responded "the kids were the biggest thing - I learned so much - all the other kids were so good that they pushed you - we challenged each other to become better". Congratulations to the HS Trivia Bowl team who crushed Coginchaug Regional on Thursday, September 20, scoring 150 point to Coginchaug's 20 points. Leading the scoring was Rachael Larson followed by Connie Pan, Sean Spina, Joshua Liefeld, Kathryn Atkinson and Eleanor Dushin. There is still room on the team, especially for a person that knows sports trivia. See Mrs. Walter or Mr. Elliott! Way to go WILDCATS! Lymes Youth Service Bureau would like to remind all families who have not yet returned the permission form in to be included in the PTO Family Directory, to do so SOON! Don’t miss out!
Please return the form to school asap. If you need another form, please access this link: FAMILY DIRECTORY We hope to have the Family Directory ready to distribute in October. The Class of 2021 would like to thank all of you for your continued support ...
all the wildcat hats have been sold! The LOLHS Cross Country team is supporting Lisa Russell’s recovery and using her as a source of inspiration for the season!
Here is an interesting article that was published in Education Week last week.
By Evie Blad on September 12, 2018 12:19 PM
Youth use of electronic cigarettes "has reached an epidemic proportion," the leader of the Food and Drug Administration said Wednesday. He gave the manufacturers of popular vaping devices, like Juul, 60 days to make plans to limit their sales to minors or risk seeing their products pulled from the market pending new regulations. He also announced new enforcement actions against retailers who sell the products. "We're committed to the comprehensive approach to address addiction to nicotine that we announced last year," FDA Commissioner Scott Gottlieb said. But at the same time, we see clear signs that youth use of electronic cigarettes has reached an epidemic proportion, and we must adjust certain aspects of our comprehensive strategy to stem this clear and present danger. Vaping products are popular among adults who use them as an off-ramp to quit smoking traditional cigarettes. But public health experts warn they have a thriving secondary market among young people, who may become addicted to the nicotine devices even if they have never smoked a traditional cigarette. As Education Week has reported, schools have struggled to detect small vaping devices, like the Juul, and to keep students from carrying them—or even using them—in their hallways, bathrooms, and classrooms. Among the concerns Gottlieb highlighted: Some e-cigarette flavors seem targeted at young people, and e-cigarette companies that sell their products online may be prone to "straw purchases," in which one person buys a large quantity of devices to offer them for resale to underage users. Congratulations to the Varsity Math Team for their victory at Mercy High School on Thursday, September 13! Way to go WILDCATS! This annual event sponsored by the Connecticut Department of Agriculture features local farms and celebrates the diversity of fresh, local, and seasonal foods connecting farmers and producers of Connecticut Grown products to chefs and culinary professionals. A special side dish is prepared every day that comes with a meal and local apple cider, apples and maple kettle corn made in Old Lyme can be purchased as well. Check out this week's menu! As you may know, LOLHS has been utilizing a learning management system (LMS) called Canvas for the past two years. Canvas helps to organize and manage information between student and teacher, such as: homework assignments, course expectations, course resources, and submission of completed work, etc. We now are able to allow parents to be “observers” in their child’s Canvas classes through Canvas Parent. Canvas Parent enhances the potential for parents to engage in their children's education Parents can then link their Canvas account to their student's account so they can see assignment due dates, announcements, and other course content; however, this content is limited. A parent can only view the course content and cannot participate in the course. Directions on how to create a Parent Canvas account are below. A few important considerations as we enter the third year of implementation:
How To Create A Canvas Parent Account: NOTE – your student needs to be part of this process (see step 4).
Mrs. Leen, along with her student committee: Hannah Morrison, Katherine Atkinson and Emily Tan, are proud to announce that the Math Academic Center will be open again in the library starting Monday, September 17th. The Center will be open to all students and is staffed by students. It will be opened during school hours, including fifteen minutes before and after school. Any student with homework questions can come to the Center for guidance and support. All students are encouraged to stop by and see what the Center is about! If you have any questions you can contact Mrs. Leen @ [email protected]. These first few days of school, I have had several conversations with some students regarding proper attire. LOLHS dress code guidelines, which can be referred to in the Parent/ Student Handbook under 'Student Attire', seem to have been pushed aside by some of our students. I know that after having the freedom of summer come to a screeching halt and yet the intense heat continue, it can sometimes be confusing as to what is considered appropriate dress for the classrooms and halls of LOLHS. The heat has been intense outside but thankfully, we do have air conditioning to keep us cool... sometimes even too cool. We take great pride in the appearance of our students and believe that student dress reflects upon the quality of our school. In order to help create a positive and professional learning environment we ask the following:
I am hoping that together we can help guide our students in their wardrobe choices. Thank you in advance for your awareness and support as we confront the never ending challenge of balancing teen fashion and the professional, academic environment at Lyme-Old Lyme High School. School picture day scheduled for this week has been RESCHEDULED Pictures will be taken during school on Tuesday October 2 If you would like to withhold permission for your child/children to be interviewed, photographed, or videotaped in conjunction with school-related events or publicity, please connect to our website and submit the online form. The link is provided for you below.
Important Dates:September
11: Senior Parent Night @ 6:30 12: Back to School Night @ 6:30 17: Freshmen Parent Night @ 6:30 18: School Photo Day 24: Junior Parent Night @ 6:30 23-27: Spirit Week! 27: Homecoming Dance 6-10 28: Homecoming Game @ 1pm 26: Financial Aid Night @ 6:30 27: Qtr 1 Progress Rpts What's For Lunch?
click for monthly menu Pre-Order your Sandwich HERE
(click on the image above to access the link) Do you know when your club meets? Click on the PAW to find out:
Select image above to complete the Student /Media Form if you do NOT want your student to be interviewed, photographed, or videotaped in conjunction with school-related events or publicity.
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