Conceptual physics is learning about different types of simple machines and making levers this week.
By Dr. Hedwall
Former LOLHS Latin teacher, Jim Motes, who left the teaching profession to pursue a career in law, spoke to the Personal and Consumer Law class. His talk to the students included information about his career path with its various twists and turns and why he eventually chose to become a lawyer. He also told the students that he passed the Bar and what that involved, including hours of study and work; that he finished up his education to get his law degree; and how he is now working for a law firm. He mentioned that his passion is helping people, and this was evident during his presentation. Students said that they thought his career path was amazing and very interesting and asked him numerous questions about that as well as various law cases. By Beatrice Hunt, Ella Curtiss-Reardon, Louisa Warlitz
The Spanish Honors Society would like to raise awareness about Argentina’s “Dirty War,” called La Guerra Sucia. This infamous campaign was waged from 1976 to 1983 by Argentina’s military dictatorship against suspected left-wing political opponents when the country's established democracy fell to the military coup. It is estimated that between 10,000 and 30,000 citizens were killed; many of them were “disappeared” – seized by the authorities and never heard from again. They were transported to concentration camps or killed in mass shootings or death flights. Today, Las Abuelas de Plaza de Mayo march each Thursday in the Plaza, wearing white and holding photos of the disappeared so that Argentina never forgets what happened during the Dirty War. In addition, the Argentinian government is still working with DNA testing to uncover the locations of children who were illegally adopted from disappeared parents by supporters of the dictatorship. To learn more about La Guerra Sucia, visit the Spanish Honors Society bulletin board by the Spanish rooms. Attention LOL Wildcats!
Order your gear here for 1 week only! All orders will arrive by 30 November. Access the store HERE
By: Juanjo Vazquez-Caballero
Students in Spanish AP/ ECE finished unit 1 about family and community. After a few evaluations at the end of the unit, students wanted to celebrate by watching a movie related to the unit, “El Orfanato” from director Guillermo del Toro. Students researched Latino and/or Hispanic recipes to eat during the movie. We are halfway through unit 2; let’s see what they come up with to celebrate it for this unit. In June '23, Beatrice Hunt was awarded an all expense paid scholarship by The Rotary Club serving Old Lyme, Old Saybrook and Westbrook, to attend the National World Affairs Seminar at Carroll University in Wisconsin. During this week, Beatrice explained that she and a couple of hundred students from around the world attended presentations by various climate change activists. As a culminating activity, the students were broken up into groups representing the United States, the United Nations and two imaginary countries and presented with a conflict that had to be solved . They had to work collaboratively to prepare reports and present their cases to the entire group in order resolve the conflict. Beatrice has been able to share her experience with the Rotary Club and will be encouraging members of the LOLHS Model UN to apply for this amazing opportunity. Next year's topic is "Democracy and Governance". For more information about this program you can access the image below which will bring you to the website. WAY TO GO BEATRICE!Thank you, Chef Fo, for supporting our PSAT Day by providing us with a delicious breakfast! The omelettes, avocado toasts and fresh blueberry yogurt parfaits made it so special!
Monday, October 23rd Join Us in the Commons - Make the Mousse Before School, and Eat it at Lunch!
$2.00 Donation Required to Help Cover the Cost of Ingredients L
EARN YOUR PARENT POINTS ON THE WILDCAT NATION SUPERFAN APP! MEETINGS WILL BE POSTED AND REMINDERS SENT OUT VIA THE APP Note: any issues signing in, please email [email protected] A Review of Hispanic Music from Each Genre
by Alexis Grasdock & Delaney Nelson
Congratulations to Agatha Hunt for being selected by the English Department as the Rotary Student of the Month. On October 11, Agatha was honored at the Rotary Student of the Month Breakfast along with honorees from Old Saybrook and Westbrook High Schools. Mrs . Baklik shared her remarks below describing some of the outstanding work Agatha has accomplished. I had been telling Jenn Burke, the senior AP literature teacher at Lyme-Old Lyme High School, how amazing my class of juniors was all year last year. I was so impressed with them as a whole: “They are readers!” I would tell her. “They develop these brilliant analyses all on their own, they challenge their classmates in discussion, they tackle difficult topics maturely. I haven’t had a class quite like them before.”
To illustrate, here is a line from Agatha Hunt’s literary criticism research essay, on Kate Chopin’s The Awakening, which she wrote last year: “The constant, comforting presence of the sea throughout the novel emphasizes the inevitability of the failure of Edna’s journey that culminates in her final futile rebellion as she walks into the sea” (Hunt). Brilliant. And this year, Mrs. Burke came to me to confirm that yes, she, too, was impressed by this class’s analyses, their eloquence, and their determination to reach the lofty goals they set for themselves. Agatha Hunt has been fortunate to have these classmates around her, and she encapsulates their intelligence and drive while going the further step. Aggie also writes creatively, an interest she has pursued on her own. Here are the last lines from one of her short stories: “[Ian] dropped to his knees as the sky split in half and the rains poured down. They felt like tears, and for a moment Ian let himself wonder if God could cry for a man like him.” For her creative writing, Aggie was honored in the Shoreline Heads of English Departments writing contest last year. And it has been my honor to be witness to her growth; with these talents, she has risen to the forefront of her worthy peers. The Lyme-Old Lyme English department is proud to present her to you. |
Important Dates:January
20:MLK No School 21: Exams 5+6 22: Exams 7+8 23: Last day of S1-E DAY all classes meet 23: Naviance Training for Parents 24: First day of S2 29: Wildcat Wednesday February 3-7:Valentine Carnation Sales 5: Sem.2 Wildcat Wednesday begins 6: Festival of the Bands @ 7 12: Academic Review 12: 8th Gr. Parent Night @ 6:30 13: PAB Mtg @ 6:30 14: 1/2 day PD 14- 22: February Break HOMEWORK FREE! Pre-Order your Sandwich HERE
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