Social media is part of all of our lives. It is an ever changing frontier that needs to be embraced as part of our culture but at the same time, we need to truly understand the power that it holds. On October 3rd, Lyme-Old Lyme Public Schools and Lyme's Youth Service Bureau are very excited to offer an engaging program for all students grades 5-12 by Tom Pincince on The Power of Social Media and the importance of making good decisions while publishing to Social Media. The program includes two assemblies for students during the school day - one in the morning at the High School, an afternoon assembly at the Middle School to include all grade 5 students, followed by an evening event for parents, grandparents, community members at 7 pm. We hope to see you there!
Gary Holland and Chef Claude of our Lyme-Old Lyme High School Food Service Department offered our students some wonderful, farm-fresh choices this past week. We participated again this year in the Farm to Chef Program, sponsored by the State Department of Agriculture. This program helps connect Connecticut chefs and food service professionals with growers, producers, and distributors of CT Grown products. It also helps the public locate restaurants, institutions, and other dining facilities that serve foods prepared with CT Grown ingredients. It was a great success and very delicious ... Thank you Chef Claude! CAR WASH!Events on Saturday morning began at Lyme-Old Lyme High School with the LOLHS Boys Basketball team teaming up to wash lots of cars! They had a truly successful fundraiser due to the perfect weather and all the football fans gearing up to watch the Homecoming game later in the day. Proceeds will be directed toward purchase of new warm up gear for the players. HomecomingThe Valley Regional / Lyme-Old Lyme Warriors played a great Homecoming game on Saturday. The Warriors won to the Coginchaug / Hale Ray Blue Devils ... 41 - 13... Way to go Warriors! After the game, students entertained themselves thoroughly at the LOLHS annual Homecoming dance organized by the Student Leaders. They enjoyed a great DJ, danced for hours, spent time with friends and snacked on treats all evening. Fun was had by all.
Game time 1 pm
Valley Regional/Lyme-Old Lyme Warriors vs Coginchaug Dance at LOLHS @ 6:30 pm Come join the fun! On Friday, September 22, all students will be participating in the first ever Activity Fair! Students will have an opportunity to meet with Advisors of different clubs and organizations and gain a better understanding of the expectations of the clubs. Students will also be exposed to our new Digital Activities Handbook. This page is connected is accessible through this blog (see above menu) and houses individual informational pages on each club available to them. Check out some great pictures of the win for both girls and boys at the Portland Invitational.The boys won first place and girls won second place... Way to go Wildcats! Take a look at what flourished over the summer... I had shared with you last fall pictures of the garden that Mrs. Walter's Biology students planted after researching specific plants that bees and butterflies like and need. Almost all of the plants came back this year. They have attracted lots of bees and we have Monarch butterfly caterpillars on the milkweed. It looks great and will hopefully help some of our pollinator friends too.
Brendan Atkins finished 9th out of 118 in his age group at the Rotterdam World Triathlon. Males 30-34. Here are his reflections of the experience: "I came in 9th in my age group today at ITU Rotterdam Worlds Age Groups Olympic distance today. This was my favorite Triathlon race by far I've ever raced in before. The weather and water temp where nice and cold which I love racing in cold weather! The bike course was crazy technical and crazy fun at the same time. I almost crashed a couple times on the bike. I was just trying to give it my best. I hit a bump on the bike course and got some air time ha lol. The bike course was something you'd see in Mario Kart. I had a 10k PR today! Avg a 5:21 pace on the run. This was a amazing experience and I meet a lot of wonderful people all around the world! The Netherlands is a beautiful country. So many people biking around and living healthy lifestyles. I felt very comfortable being here." ..... WAY TO GO BRENDAN!!! We have several events planned for parents next week.
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from across the district? Follow us on: Instagram (lymeoldlymeschools), Twitter (lolschoolsct), and Facebook (LymeOldLymeSchools) to get the latest news from all of our schools. (You can also click on the icons in the right margin!) If you do NOT want your child/children to be interviewed, photographed or videotaped in conjunction with school-related events or publicity, please let us know by submitting your information using the following URL:
We began the welcome back assembly reminding our students of the LOLHS Core Value and Beliefs and introducing the classes to the newly developed Honor Code. Additionally we reviewed the basics. On Thursday during Advisory, Sophomores, Juniors and Seniors engaged in a closer read of the handbook to ensure their understanding of some important details as well as a more in depth look at the Honor Code. The Freshmen participated in the 1:1 orientation and will review the handbook basics and Honor Code in their High School 101 class.
BE ON TIME! Students are expected to be in their classrooms by 7:40 ready to learn. The front doors lock at 7:39. If a student is arriving late to school, they are to sign in at the main office to receive a pass to go to their first period class. See page 20 of the handbook for further clarification DRESS APPROPRIATELY: We take great pride in the appearance of our students and believe that student attire reflects upon the quality of our school. In an effort to create a positive learning environment, students are expected to come to school dressed in an appropriate manner. Please review the expectations for student attire on pages 33-34. BE PRESENT! We know that cell phone use is part of everyone's life. We also know that it can truly be a distraction to learning and a way to "tune out" the rest of the world. We ask students to be present and an active member of our school community. To that end, we require that cell phones be put away and silenced during the school day. Students may use cell phones prior to 7:40am and after 2:10pm. Please review page 33 of the handbook fur further information. Attendance Policy: Lyme-Old Lyme High School follows the attendance guidelines delineated by the State of Connecticut. The state of Connecticut explains that a parent may "excuse" their student from school for nine times for a year long course. Please review with your son or daughter pages 18-22 of the handbook for details of the Connecticut State Guidelines on Attendance to better familiarize yourself with our school policy.
Important Dates:January
20:MLK No School 21: Exams 5+6 22: Exams 7+8 23: Last day of S1-E DAY all classes meet 23: Naviance Training for Parents 24: First day of S2 29: Wildcat Wednesday February 3-7:Valentine Carnation Sales 5: Sem.2 Wildcat Wednesday begins 6: Festival of the Bands @ 7 12: Academic Review 12: 8th Gr. Parent Night @ 6:30 13: PAB Mtg @ 6:30 14: 1/2 day PD 14- 22: February Break HOMEWORK FREE! Pre-Order your Sandwich HERE
(click on the image above to access the link) Do you know when your club meets? Click on the PAW to find out:
Select image above to complete the Student /Media Form if you do NOT want your student to be interviewed, photographed, or videotaped in conjunction with school-related events or publicity.
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January 2025