All fall athletes (including coop teams) and their families are invited to the 2023 Fall Sports Banquet. The night begins with dinner, sponsored by the booster club( catered by La Llorona), followed by awards (both league/state and team individual). We hope you will join sign up to help as well... see links below
Due to everyone's generosity, LOLHS' Annual Food Drive, run by our ECOS club, collected 754 lbs of food this year! Thank you so much contributing to the food drive this year! Trunk loads of food was donated because of everyone's support. The food donated helps people in need more than imaginable, so thank you all! WAY TO GO WILDCATS!By Justin Green This week the Spanish Honor’s Society posted a bulletin board describing the tensions between C uba and the USA. The Cuban government became communist in 1965 after the rebels took down Batista and implemented Marxist-Leninist policies. The day of the overthrow is known as "Dia de la Revolución" or Day of the Revolution. Communism has been a controversial topic in the United States, with several events highlighting this, such as the Red Scare, which caused public hysteria within the United States due to fear of communism and McCarthyism. This hysteria involved political repression and persecution of left-wing communist party members who were suspected or spoke out about their beliefs. Communist aversion in the United States is a major factor in the political tensions between the United States and Cuba. The communist party of Cuba emerged in 1965, organized by communist leader Fidel Castro. Communist activity began in Cuba in 1923, and restrictions were later introduced to the Cuban constitution in 1976. Castro's party was renamed the People's Socialist Party in 1961, and this was followed by the Cuban Communist Revolution. The Cuban Missile Crisis was a conflict between the United States and the Soviet Union during the Cold War where the Soviet Union stored missiles in Cuba, supporting the Cuban people against the upcoming threat of the United States. JFK ordered a naval blockade around the missile site, demanding the removal of the missiles from Cuba. Once the missiles were removed, the United States "quarantine" over the missile sites was lifted. Since May, the Biden administration has resumed building a relationship with Cuba, taking steps to lay the groundwork for the future of Cuba-United States relations. The Biden administration has recently implemented flights between countries, facilitated family reunification, eased restrictions on remittances, and increased support for independent Cuban entrepreneurs along with making it easier for students, like those of our school, to travel there. On November 9, 2023, 14 LOLHS ECE French students spent the day on the UConn Storrs campus for our first-ever participation in the annual French Immersion Day and Quiz Bowl. After a morning of conversation sessions with UConn French TAs, students competed in a French trivia competition, where our team members Oliver Berry, Simon Karpinski and Aggie Hunt won their first round and nearly made it to the finals. Bravo à tous !
WAY TO GO WILDCATS!The Student Council hosted our annual fall Blood Drive on Monday, November 13th. We had a plethora of students, teachers, and staff volunteer to donate. Our school had over 40 people sign up, and we were able to reach our school goal and collect 21 units of blood, to save 63 people's lives! Thank you to the student council members for volunteering during the drive, working the sign ups during lunch, bringing in snacks, and participating in the blood drive! We will be hosting another Blood Drive this spring, so please stay tuned for that!
High School Students! Join Ski Club for our two trips this year. Saturday February 3rd to Berkshire East where we will ski from 10 am until 8 pm (Incredible night skiing) and on Saturday March 16th to Killington where we will ski from 10 am until 4 pm! Please email Mr. Tyrol ([email protected]) to secure your spot. You must sign up for both trips. There will be a meeting on Friday November 17th with further details!
The University of Connecticut Model United Nations is a student-run organization that aims to foster international awareness through its annual conference. Every November, hundreds of high school students gather at the UConn Storrs campus to participate in realistic committee simulations, engage in substantive debate, and learn from their fellow delegates. UCMUN is a learning conference, meaning that our staff aspires to guide delegates toward understanding the values of cooperation, diversity, and compromise while encouraging them to be active, compassionate leaders. LOLHS students attending were Will Coppola, Sophie Pennie, Owen Shapiro, Zoe Brunza, Ryan Shapiro and Cameron Russell. Zoe Brunza received outstanding delegate in her committee. Zoe shared the following: My committee at the UConn Model UN conference this past Friday through Sunday was the Special, Political, and Decolonization Committee (SPECPOL), and I represented the U.A.E. I learned about important global issues like the South China Sea dispute and Space Colonization. Everyone in the committee was driven and passionate about our topics, and it was a great experience. Congratulations to Zoe Brunza for winning Outstanding Delegate! GO WILDCATS!Friday, November 10th proved to be, yet again, a wonderful demonstration of LOLHS' gratitude and honor for our local Veterans. Our Wildcat Band and Chorus performed with heart and soul that stole the show. Grace Zembruski was a fantastic Master of Ceremonies. Maya Cook made the opening remarks reminding us about the history of Veterans Day. Lieutenant William Sanford was introduced by his son, Noah, as this year's guest speaker who shared some insightful thoughts about what it means to serve for our country. Our VFW announced the winners of the Voice of Democracy Essay Contest. Students submitted essays responding to the question "What Are The Greatest Attributes of Our Democracy? Congratulations to our four essay contest winners: Chase Calderon, Simon Karpinski, Ryan Shapiro and Charlotte Speigle. Their essays will be forwarded to the state level for judging and thank you to Simon and Chase for sharing their winning essays with the entire audience. It was a beautiful ceremony for our Veterans - the heroes who have unselfishly dedicated their lives fighting to provide us with the freedoms we hold near and dear as American Citizens. We thank them for joining us on Friday and making the day so special
Thank you to all the parents who came to Report Card Night on Thursday night. It was a busy event and very well attended. Congratulations to Emma Bayor for signing her National Letter of Intent with Marist College for Division I Softball WAY TO GO EMMA!Congratulations to Stella Geronimo for being selected by the Math Department as the Rotary Student of the Month. On November 8th, Stella was honored at the Rotary Student of the Month Breakfast along with honorees from Old Saybrook and Westbrook High Schools. Stella earned this award for her excellence in all levels of Math. Additionally, she has been over the past 4 years, a leader of LOLHS' Math Team. Her leadership skills shine not only in the math classroom but with any subject or activity that she selects. WAY TO GO STELLA!By: Emma Bayor and Stella Geronimo For the recent Spanish Honor Society bulletin board, we explored the traditional dances of Cuba. First, we learned about Rumba, an informal style of dances that follows the rhythms of the conga drums, claves (sticks), and marugas (iron shakers). Next, we learned about Danzon, which is the official dance of Cuba. Danzon is popular because it was associated with Cuba’s nationalist sentiment during its people’s struggle for independence and autonomy from Spain. There is also salsa, which originated in Cuban dance halls called “casinos” and incorporates elements from many different Cuban dances. Additionally, we learned about the Mambo, which is the original ballroom dance. It is related to Danzon, but much faster and less rigid. Finally, we learned about the Bolero, which is characterized by sharp turns, stamping of feet, and sudden pauses in a position with one arm arched over the head. On the board, there were QR codes that people could scan to view the dances in action. Students who took the ASVAB (Armed Services Vocational Aptitude Battery) back in October sat for a review session with Sgt. Potter during Advisory. Students were provided with information about the Career Exploration Program available to them. The ASVAB is a sophisticated assessment tool to allow students to explore career paths of interest. The ASVAB will be administered again at Lyme-Old Lyme HS on March 3, 2024.
By: Juanjo Vazquez-Caballero Last week, AP students went to New Haven to have a great cultural experience. The visit was divided into two parts. We watched a movie from Dominican Republic called, ”Chroma Kid.” We shared the room, a two hundred year old church that Yale University bought and converted into a classroom, with three hundred students from New Haven Public Schools. The movie is about a boy “ Emi” who must deal with the disappearance of his parents into another dimension after a magic trick spirals out of control. We went to an authentic Cuban restaurant (Soul of Cuba). Personally, I recommend the restaurant; it has delicious food and a great location. It is a small and cozy place with lots of stories, art, and pictures from the family of the Cuban owner. We enjoyed the Cuban sandwiches, as well as the company of a friendly staff and great conversations with Jesus Puerto (the owner). Some of the students finished up by eating an ice cream. |
Important Dates: February
14- 22: February Break HOMEWORK FREE! 25: SAT Prep for ALL Juniors Session 1 March 4: SAT Prep for ALL Juniors Session 2 5: ASVAB Testing 7: 1/2 day PD 11: SAT Prep for ALL Juniors Session 3 13-16: Musical "Neewsies" 18: SAT Prep for ALL Juniors Session 4 18: District Choral Concert @ 7 26: SAT for juniors Pre-Order your Sandwich HERE
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February 2025