With two days into the year, the positive energy and excitement in the halls of Lyme-Old Lyme High School is electric! On Thursday and Friday we began the days with class assemblies, class meetings and our first advisory. Mr. Wygonik welcomed back each class with a short class assembly reviewing (and introducing to the class of 2027) the LOLHS Expectations and the Wildcat Way. While classes met with their class advisors to share goals, get some student input by brainstorming ways to unify the class with fun activities and fundraising ideas. During Advisory, students engaged in a closer read of the handbook to ensure their understanding of some important details and reviewed our Advisory and Academic Review expectations. The Parent/ Student Handbook can be found on the Region 18 website under LOLHS - Our School: https://lolhs.region18.org/our-school Here are some friendly reminders: ![]() BE ON TIME! Students are expected to be in their classrooms by 7:40 ready to learn. The front doors lock at 7:39. If a student is arriving late to school, they are to sign in at the main office to receive a pass to go to their first period class. Please review page 17 of the handbook for further clarification.
BE KIND! We know that in order to be able to learn, we need to be in a safe and welcoming environment. Mr. Wygonik reminded everyone to you ask yourself three questions before you speak or post something on social media: IS IT TRUE?
![]() Meet Morgan Savino. She is a School Based Counselor with Project Courage. In this role, Morgan provides students with counseling services and will work jointly with school staff to educate students regarding substance use. Morgan holds a Bachelors Degree in Human Development and Family Studies from the University of Connecticut. Her experience includes working for the Department of Children and Families as an Investigations Social Worker. Morgan's interests include gardening , walking her dog, and spending time with family. To contact Morgan, please email [email protected], She is available on Thursday and Fridays in the Library. ![]() Dear Parents: Greetings from the nursing department. As we start a new school year, I would like to forward you a copy of our acetaminophen/ibuprofen authorization form and reacquaint you with our present medication policies. All medications, both over the counter and prescription, need to be authorized by a physician and a parent. The authorization should be forwarded to the school, and any prescribed medication needs to be brought in by a responsible adult. The medication must be in the original container with the student’s name, name of medication, and dosage clearly written on the label. The high school does keep a supply of 200mg ibuprofen and 325mg acetaminophen tablets, therefore eliminating the need for parents to supply those medications. Please note that any alternative forms such as liquid or chewable ibuprofen or acetaminophen must be supplied by the parent. Medication authorization forms are available at the health office or may be downloaded from the district website at www.region18.org. If you would like your student to be able to receive ibuprofen or acetaminophen during school hours specifically for relief of headache, menstrual cramps or orthodontic discomfort, please complete the enclosed form that has been authorized by Dr. Sikand, our medical advisor, and forward it to your student’s school nursing office. This policy will consist of a once per day administration, with a limit of 3 times per month on an as needed basis and does not apply to field trips, extracurricular sports, or activities. Should your student require pain relief for any other reason, i.e., muscular pain due to illness or injury, an authorization must be obtained from your student’s physician. All medications are to be administered by the school nurse with the exception of epipens and inhalers which may be kept with the student with authorization from the physician, parent. As a reminder, students attending overnight school field trips who may require medication of any type (controlled or over the counter) will require authorization from a physician and a parent. At the high school level, students are permitted to carry non-controlled medications such as ibuprofen, allergy medications, and antibiotics with authorization from the physician, parent, and school nurse. Controlled medications are to be given by an authorized teacher, administrator, or school nurse. As a reminder, the HIPPA (Health Insurance Portability Accountability Privacy Act) Privacy Rule is in effect. This federally regulated law means that our health office staff will be unable to have access to your child’s medical records from their physician without proper authorization from a parent. It is the sole responsibility of the student or parent to submit physical examination forms and health records for mandated requirements. For your convenience, a medication authorization form for the administration of ibuprofen and acetaminophen is enclosed. This form needs to be renewed annually. If you require any clarification of these medical policies, please contact your child’s school nurse. Melissa Seckla is the high school nurse and may be reached at 860 434-4444 (x1004) or [email protected] Sincerely, Melissa Seckla RN Lyme-Old Lyme High School Nurse |
Important Dates: February
14- 22: February Break HOMEWORK FREE! 25: SAT Prep for ALL Juniors Session 1 March 4: SAT Prep for ALL Juniors Session 2 5: ASVAB Testing 7: 1/2 day PD 11: SAT Prep for ALL Juniors Session 3 13-16: Musical "Neewsies" 18: SAT Prep for ALL Juniors Session 4 18: District Choral Concert @ 7 26: SAT for juniors Pre-Order your Sandwich HERE
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February 2025