Create Art Inspired by the Lyme Art Colony! Lyme Art Association invites you to create a painting or drawing inspired by the work of the Lyme Art Colony... then enter the exhibition! Please see the below document that details everything for you. Congratulations to our graduating class of 2021! They did it. On Friday evening the commencement ceremony was enjoyed in the open air under beautiful skies. A special congratulations to Mrs. Karen Duhamel who was chosen by the Class of 2021 as the Guest Speaker of the Graduation Ceremony AND was also selected as this year's Mildred Sanford Outstanding Educator Award. The senior class chose Mrs. Duhamel for this award as she has made a special connection with the class and she embodies all the qualities of Mildred Sanford - warmth, encouragement and dedication - among many more! AND A SPECIAL FAREWELL TO MRS. JILL RESSLER WHO IS RETIREING THIS YEAR! CONGRATULATIONS AND ALL THE BEST ON YOUR NEW CHAPTER OF LIFE! YOU WILL BE MISSED And in case you missed the articles in the news ... here you go:
The Day: Lyme-Old Lyme graduates bond with laughter and tears LymeLine: Lyme-Old Lyme HS Principal Tells Class of 2021 its Key Quality is ‘Resiliency … [and so] You Will Not Just Survive, You Will Thrive’ On Wednesday, June 9th, the seniors enjoyed a wonderful evening at their Senior Luan planned by the senior class officers and head class advisors, Mrs. Fried and Mrs. Trost. With food trucks serving unlimited BBQ, Burgers, Cannoli and Ice Cream, everyone had something to enjoy. The evening culminated with handing out a class gift to all, watching the senior class video, and then, of course, passing out and signing of the yearbooks. Special thanks to the class officers whose hard work made this all happen! Lucas Wood-Muller, President Emma Boardman, Vice-President Schuyler Greenho, Secretary Megan Cravinho, Treasurer Franki Donato, Historian AND OF COURSE... A HUGE SHOUT OUT TO MRS. FRIED AND MRS. TROST WITHOUT WHOM NONE OF THIS WOULD HAVE BEEN POSSIBLE AND WHO MADE SURE THAT THIS CLASS WAS ABLE TO HAVE THE BEST SEND OFF POSSIBLE EVEN WITH ALL OF THE COVID PRECAUTIONS. We have a little treat for our exam takers this week... On Monday and Tuesday, Emma Boardman's Del's Lemonade Cart will be on campus to give students a sweet treat in between exams. And Monday, Tuesday and Wednesday, we will have some Therapy Dogs on hand to help with the stress relief! Monday was a HUGE success! Below are all the students - athletes who received awards this year! For such a crazy year, wildcats pull through yet again!
Every year the Old Lyme Players puts on a drama production in the fall. This year, while it was a different year, the drama was filmed instead. Below is the final production of the drama: D.O.A.
In case you missed it... take a seat and watch this great production!
Congratulations to all who made this production a success!
NICE WORK WILDCATS! There is so much to celebrate this spring with all the accolades and accomplishments of our LOLHS Spring Athletes. All of our sports teams finished strong this season - Baseball, Softball, Golf, Lacrosse (Boys and Girls), Tennis (Boys and Girls), Track... AND OF COURSE ... CREW! Amazing... from Shorelines to State Champs! Congratulations to all! WAY TO GO WILDCATS! And in case you missed it, take a look at some of the great press Wildcats are getting...
Please refer to below schedule and important information regarding final exams beginning June 14. 2021 Final Exams Reminders
Congratulations to our newly elected officers
On Wednesday last week, LOLHS welcomed in our class of 2025 with our annual Eighth Grade Orientation (EGO). Students were separated into four groups and rotated through four activities that included a Teacher / Student panel, a Getting Involved Panel, a Tour and a Club fair/ Athletic Presentation. The class also met with their future class advisors in the gym to participated in some team building / pep rally competitions... just to get them prepped for next year. After lunch under the tent, students enjoyed an ice cream treat with their class and then returned to the tent to hear the amazing speeches from each candidate for the Class of 2025 officers. It was a great day ... a lot of information was shared and hopefully absorbed. We are looking forward to next year. Stay tuned for information about our Freshmen Picnic which will take place on August 25... the day before school begins! Congratulations to Emerson Colwell...
Well Done, Emerson!
Nice Work, Aiden!
Important Dates:January
20:MLK No School 21: Exams 5+6 22: Exams 7+8 23: Last day of S1-E DAY all classes meet 23: Naviance Training for Parents 24: First day of S2 29: Wildcat Wednesday February 3-7:Valentine Carnation Sales 5: Sem.2 Wildcat Wednesday begins 6: Festival of the Bands @ 7 12: Academic Review 12: 8th Gr. Parent Night @ 6:30 13: PAB Mtg @ 6:30 14: 1/2 day PD 14- 22: February Break HOMEWORK FREE! Pre-Order your Sandwich HERE
(click on the image above to access the link) Do you know when your club meets? Click on the PAW to find out:
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January 2025