LOLHS Class of 2021 Safe Grad Pie SaleThe LOLHS Class of 2021 Safe Grad Committee is selling Fruit Pies, Cream Pies, No Sugar Pies and Frozen Cookie Dough from Bishop's Orchards to raise funds for Safe Grad night. Please help support us! Please use the Google form below for ordering Honor the Veteran(s) in your life by submitting an image of them for our Wall of Honor. Each submission will be on display in our schools for all to see!
How to submit:
This past week, thanks to our Student Leaders and their officers, LOLHS experienced our first socially distanced spirit week. With their extra planning, we had an extended homeroom each day in order to provide opportunities for students to not only participate in the daily events, but also to view the events via the live stream, thanks to the support of WLYM advisors and students. Monday's event was the Limbo, Tuesday -Giant Jenga , Thursday - Ping Pong, and Friday - the Obstacle Course. Two representatives from each class came down to the Commons to participate. Although it was not our traditional pep rally, it was certainly a great way to get our spirit going!
Connie is an outstanding student in every discipline, but she is a particularly gifted reader and writer. Last year she won first prize for poetry in the Shoreline Heads of English Department’s writing contest, and she earned honorable mention for her poetry from Scholastic. In addition, she has been published in the Live Poet of New Jersey Anthology.
Connie is also very involved in athletic and extracurricular activities. She is the captain of the Varsity Swim Team, and she swims on two club teams as well. She has been a competitor and coach for Science Olympiad, and she founded and led the Environmental Club. She is also a member of the High School Bowl Team, the Math Team, the Geo Challenge, and the Mock Trial Team. In her spare time, Connie taught herself Spanish by reading the poetry of Pablo Neruda. Clearly, she is a most deserving recipient! Well done Connie! Please join FCD Prevention Works for an upcoming two-part webinar series Conversation Starters: How to Have Prevention Conversations with Kids Data from the FCD Student Attitudes and Behavior Survey shows that students who talk about substances with the adults in their lives are less likely to drink alcohol than students who don't have such conversations. Initiating prevention conversations is one of the most effective ways a trusted adult can promote health in a student's life. Getting these conversations started can be daunting. Join us for these upcoming webinars to learn how to begin prevention discussions with children and adolescents. Webinar 1: For Faculty and Other School Staff Elementary students may come to school already filled with early messages about alcohol and other drugs. Middle and high students are looking to adults to help them build an understanding of how substances can impact their growing bodies, and to help them navigate the pressures of development as they make the health-based choice to use or not use. Knowing how to address these topics and start prevention conversations with students is essential, during all ages and stages of development. In this webinar, join two experienced FCD Prevention Specialists as we explore:
Webinar 2: For Parents and Other Family Members We all want to keep healthy kids healthy! To do so, parents, caretakers, and other family members can all play a role when it comes to the prevention of teen alcohol and other drug misuse. From an early age and onward, health promotion at home requires that parents and caretakers be informed and ready to be active in everyday prevention opportunities in the family. Knowing how to start the prevention conversation with your children at all ages is important. In this webinar, join two experienced FCD Prevention Specialists as we explore:
Webinar One: For Faculty and Other School Staff Friday, November 20, 2020 1:00 - 2:00 pm EST /10:00 - 11:00 am PST Click here to register. Webinar Two: For Parents and Other Family Members Friday December 4, 2020 1:00 - 2:00 pm EST /10:00 - 11:00 am PST Click here to register. Cost is Free! Honor the Veteran(s) in your life by submitting an image of them for our Wall of Honor. Each submission will be on display in our schools for all to see!
How to submit:
A Message from Mrs. Glorioso & Dr. Dushin:
I know things have been crazy this year so THANK YOU for your patience and flexibility. As you may recall, the state director, Brendan Herlihy has stepped down and the Board of Directors (which includes Dr. Dushin and me) are scrambling to try and plan the competition. The many changes that we will see this year have contributed to a delay in announcing the State Tournament schedule. This schedule must be worked out first then we can plan what events you go in from there so we don't have overlaps. We are days away from that announcement as the board looks into facilities and supports. In the meantime, there is much for you to do including the following:
Thank you! Dr. Dushin and Mrs. Glorioso The Chinese III class held a zoom meeting with some high school students and their teacher from Shanxi Experimental High School today. Students exchanged questions and answers in both Chinese and English and talked about some of their favorite sports, musicians, favorite academic courses. They have really enjoyed their experience and some wanted to meet with their new acquaintances again. The hope is for students to see language use in action and feel more motivated to learn the language, as well as about another culture. Both groups have been surprised that they know some musicians and songs from both cultures; sports personals too, of course.
The Lyme-Old Lyme High School Environmental Club helped out with the removal of invasive species in the Lay-Allen Preserve part of the Old Lyme Land Trust. They helped to remove invasive species such as Oriental bitter sweet, multiflora rose, burning bush, and barberry. If you would like to join the Environmental Club contact Mrs. Fried or senior Connie Pan. Student Leaders have worked hard in planning for a physically distanced spirit week this week. In lieu of a traditional pep rally on Friday, two representatives from each class will participate in some fun competitions each day during homeroom which will be live streamed. Hope to see that Wildcat Pride and Spirit! Spirt week break down!
Monday: Dress up: College stereotypes Event: Limbo Tuesday: Dress up: Heroes vs Villains Event: Giant Jenga Wednesday: Dress up: Pj/Groutfit Day - groutfit = gray outfit Event: Kahoot - (no live stream) Thursday: Dress up: Decades Event: Ping Pong Friday: Dress up: Class Color Day Event: Obstacle Course This year, our Veteran's day ceremonies are being altered significantly. In an effort to make everyone aware of all of the veterans, past and present, and honor them for their service, we are asking that you help us create our own Lyme-Old Lyme Wall of Honor. It is easy and completely digital! All you have to do is follow the instructions below. The AP European History class chose a piece of Renaissance art to “recreate.” Students researched the artwork for artist, title, medium, origination, current location, and noted the significance of the artwork. The artwork was analyzed to explain how it reflects the new techniques of the Renaissance. Ms. Macione took some students to Clyde’s Cider Mill and Whittle’s Farm last week. They were fortunate to have such a beautiful fall day! In addition to the cider and donuts they enjoyed at Clyde’s, they also liked walking through the pumpkin patch and seeing the baby pigs at Whittle’s! ... A perfect fall day! As our first project of the year, Spanish Honor Society is trying to inform the community about Microaggressions. By definition, a microaggression is “a statement, action, or incident regarded as an instance of indirect, subtle, or unintentional discrimination against members of a marginalized group such as a racial or ethnic minority”. It is important that we educate ourselves about the use of these microaggressions, and work to rid them from our vocabulary. Some examples include- • when a lesbian is told, "You don't look like you're gay!” • when a black person is told, "You're so lucky to be black — so easy to get into college." •when a woman is told “you’re smart for a woman.” ... and the list goes on. To raise awareness, the Spanish Honor Society will be selling T-Shirts and stickers pertaining to microaggressions, and being part of the solution, not the problem. The money we raise will be donated to latino community organizations in need. We created a google form to keep track of T-Shirt and Sticker orders, so please fill it out if you are interested in buying either! Community members are encouraged to attend the public forum on the proposed artificial playing surface on our main campus. The agenda includes a brief overview of the project, a presentation by the engineering and design firm working on the proposed project, followed by questions from attendees. This meeting is virtual with no in-person attendance Wednesday, October 21, 6:30 PM
Zoom Virtual Meeting (Link on Region 18 Website) LOLHS Unified Sports Team is selling baseball hats. They will arrive by the end of October and are $10! Proceeds from the hat sales will go directly to our program. These funds will allow us to continue participating in fun and unique events! Below I have attached an order form. If you would like to purchase a hat (or a few), please complete the form and send in payment (cash or check) to Ms. Corah. Checks can be made out to RSD18. For questions, please contact Ms. Corah at [email protected]. Order your hat(s) HERE |
Important Dates:January
15: Last Day of Qt2 15: Safe Grad Stumble Inne 16-22: Midterm Exams Jan 20:MLK No School Jan 23: Last day of S1 - E DAY all classes meet Jan 23: Naviance Training for Parents Jan 24: First day of S2 Pre-Order your Sandwich HERE
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