Sociedad Honoraria Hispanica By: Griffin McGlinchey & Friends This week’s Spanish Honor Society bulletin board was centered around the holiday of Three Kings’ Day. This holiday is celebrated in many Spanish-speaking countries throughout the world. Three Kings’ Day, or Día de los Reyes Magos, is a Christian holiday celebrated annually on January 6th, which marks the day when the three wise men visited Jesus and showered him with gifts. In many Spanish-speaking countries, large celebrations and parades often take place. This board features traditional food made for these celebrations, the history of the holiday, and some images of the 2023 celebrations. A Three Kings’ day tradition that is often celebrated is when children leave out their shoes for the Kings to leave candy in them. The Spanish Honor Society participated in this tradition just before winter break, which was featured in a past blog post. Please take a minute to review this slide show. It is important that we are aware of the state guidelines for having students carry medications on them. These guidelines are in place to help keep our students and your children safe. The High School Ski Club is running their annual ski trip this year and teaming up with Valley Regional High School. There are only 20 spaces available, and it is first come first serve. The down payment needs to be made to reserve the bus for both trips so act fast! These posters are hung all around the high school. Students, please scan the QR code to sign up on Google form to start the process and bring in a check to Mr. Tyrol's room (228) to finalize and confirm your spot. We are so excited to be able to go on 2 trips this year and hope we can get cleared sooner rather than later!
Any questions, please email Mr. Tyrol at [email protected]. By Mr. Wang On Friday a group of Chinese language students went to New York's Chinatown to experience a taste of the Chinese culture. They had a glimpse of a Buddhist temple while a service was going on and ate dim sum at the well known Golden Unicorn where some adventurous students tried some exotic dishes like the chicken feet. They then visited a Chinese bookstore where they saw some authentic merchandises imported from China such as calligraphy tools and samples of calligraphy. Some were amazed to be able to recognize some of the words they have learned from the Chinese lessons. Everyone seemed to enjoy a cup of the bubble tea and some delicious baked goods. It was almost perfect weather and everyone felt energized after two weeks of midterms.
Sociedad Honorarica Hispanica
Date: January 4th, 2023 Guest Speaker: Conner Wyman The Spanish Honor Society was lucky enough to have Connor Wyman as a guest speaker. Wyman graduated LOLHS in 2020, and spent his fall semester of college in Cuba, through their study abroad program. In Cuba, Wyman continued his studies with primarily Spanish and History courses, and on the side, he volunteered as an English tutor. Wyman stayed with a Cuban family, and experienced every aspect of Cuban life; he was able to experience the food, media, public transit, and many other aspects of Cuban life. Wyman was also able to discuss the similarities and differences between living in a Communist country and the United States, and was kind enough to share these thoughts and experiences with the Spanish Honor Society, through the means of a presentation and a video. By: Mason Wells & Sr. Vazquez Check out Connor's Video of his stay in CubaRegion18 and The Sustainability Committee continues to collect plastic film for the Trex Challenge! Trex Collection bins are located at the main entrance of school builidings, and at both Lyme (just inside the entrance) and Old Lyme Town hall (lower level entrance at the back of the building).
As a reminder, the Trex Challenge is an opportunity to send in your plastic film with your students for a chance to win a Trex bench or other product for their school. Trex decking and railing is made from recycled plastic film and is a type of composite building material. Some examples of items that are NOT acceptable include: compostable film (usually labeled as “compostable”), film that has any amount of food residue, candy/ice cream wrappers, cellophane-type film (think floral arrangements or holiday gift bags that make a crinkly/crunchy sound), prewashed salad mix bags, and frozen food bags (frozen berry bags). When sending in your film from home, please remember, it must be COMPLETELY clean, COMPLETELY dry, COMPLETELY empty and COMPLETELY free from food residue. Please remove air from pillow pack bubble wrap. The diagram below says it all! If you stick to sending in items from the diagram, it will be greatly appreciated. When in doubt, throw it out; or you can email [email protected]. Thanks for your continued participation in the Region 18 Trex Challenge and helping keep our planet clean! The Booster Club needs your help! They are looking for more participation and volunteerism at our athletic events, games and especially the concession stand. Due due to the lack of volunteers, they have not been able to man the concession stand at all basketball games which directly impacts fundraising and visibility, as well as funds to support the athletic teams. Sign up today! |
Important Dates:January
20:MLK No School 21: Exams 5+6 22: Exams 7+8 23: Last day of S1-E DAY all classes meet 23: Naviance Training for Parents 24: First day of S2 29: Wildcat Wednesday February 3-7:Valentine Carnation Sales 5: Sem.2 Wildcat Wednesday begins 6: Festival of the Bands @ 7 12: Academic Review 12: 8th Gr. Parent Night @ 6:30 13: PAB Mtg @ 6:30 14: 1/2 day PD 14- 22: February Break HOMEWORK FREE! Pre-Order your Sandwich HERE
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January 2025