Check out this Graduation '23 video by Alex Roth Media!
On Thursday evening at 5 pm, the Class of 2023 came together along with the faculty, Board of Education and District Administration, to prepare for the evening's graduation march out on to the field. Their was an energy and excitement that filled the commons. It was a beautiful evening and special one as we were commemorating the 50th Anniversary of our first graduation back in 1973 while celebrating the achievements of this remarkable graduating class of 2023.
Pre-GraduationPost Graduation 2023:CONGRATULATIONS CLASS OF 2023 & TO SR. VAZQUEZWAY TO GO WILDCATSThe senior celebrations truly began on Wednesday evening with the parade down Lyme Street. On Thursday morning, students came to school to enjoy a wonderful Senior Breakfast hosted by the Safe Grad / Senior Parents and catered by The Shack. After the hearty breakfast, we headed outside for graduation rehearsal ...all in preparation of the Big Day! CABE Student Leadership Awards Alexander Chrysoulakis and Madeleine Morgado were honored at Wednesday evening's BOE meeting. They received the CABE Student Leadership Award. The Connecticut Association of Boards of Education (CABE) Student Leadership Awards Program is designed to honor Connecticut High School and Middle School students who exhibit exemplary leadership skills. ![]() Alexander Chrysoulakis walks through life with a positive attitude and smile on his face every day. Some days it’s because he genuinely feels this way and on other days, he needs to project this persona as he is individually overcoming an obstacle or setback. He realizes that he does not have control of everything but he can control how he reacts and it’s always better to see things in a positive light. Alexander is a warm, compassionate and genuine young man. He is the first person to sit with someone who appears to be alone at lunch or volunteer to help a new student acclimate to Lyme-Old Lyme High School. Genuineness is not a character trait you can teach someone. It is an innate quality, which ultimately drives an individual’s character, social conscience and integrity. Alex refuses to settle for mediocrity. Academically, he pushes himself to excel in his AP, ECE and Honors (L1) courses while knowing that to delve deeper into any subject one needs to be curious and willing to research subjects on his own. Not surprising given his thirst for knowledge, Alex has pursued upper level courses in the disciplines of Math and Science with a sprinkle of Spanish and US History thrown in. His academic excellence has earned him membership in the National and Spanish Honor Societies as well as accolades such as the National Merit Commended Student, LOLHS Academic Letter Award, Spanish Seal of Biliteracy and Academic Scholar Awards in Social Studies and Music as well as inclusion on the High Honor Roll throughout high school. I can also tell you that this young man possesses a poise and sophistication that has helped him raise $1,000,000 for the Juvenile Diabetes Research Foundation, a cause near and dear to his heart. His involvement is beyond him simply giving back to this organization, as he has presented to congressional leaders and bared his heart and soul to enlighten others to the trials and tribulations of this disease. ![]() With her strong moral character, tenacity and warm and inclusive personality, Maddy Morgado is a highly valued member of the Class of 2023. She gives 110% to achieve academic excellence regardless of her other leadership, extracurricular and community commitments and there are many. She has excelled in 7 AP classes and 2 Dual Enrollments, along with many honors courses and has maintained a 101.68 weighted grade point average. She is also an officer for both the National Honor Society and Student Leaders, where she is respected for her leadership and accomplishments, as well as her ability to manage it all with an intense commitment to her academics. Maddy has taken the initiative through-out high school to use all of her time in a meaningful way. Having played an integral part in many school activities, like student government, leadership teams, sports as well as many other heavy commitments, she has accomplished so much. Not only does she aspire to do the hard work but she makes time to include others and to give to those less fortunate. While a person of Maddy’s talents is always in high demand, she has learned to find a good balance between academics, extracurricular, personal commitments and sports. Maddy’s Leadership and accomplishment can also be witnessed through her athletic endeavors. A highly dedicated athlete, she has been selected to serve as Captain of each of her three sports teams, Cross Country, Indoor and Outdoor Track. She has again received numerous recognitions like Most Valuable Player, First Team All-Conference and Shoreline Scholar Athlete Award to name a few. Maddy Morgado is among the most impressive students to graduate from Lyme Old Lyme High School, and among the most universally respected. We are honored and proud to have her as the 2023 recipient of the Connecticut Association of Boards of Education Award. CONGRATULATIONS TO GESA VAZQUEZ for being honored at this month's Rotary Student of the Month celebration for her excellence in Health and Physical Education. Gesa was recognized for her unending enthusiasm and motivation in the field of PE and Health. Mr. Cohen, a former Rotary Student of the Month for Health and PE, shared the following remarks: "Gesa is an exemplary student and a unique individual who constantly strives for excellence. Gesa will master a skill yet continue to challenge herself in an effort to reach perfection. She is very competitive with herself and is constantly setting new goals to reach. From early on in high school, Gesa came to the realization of what she wanted to do with her future and that was to become a physical education and health teacher. In class, she would always strive for greatness, but her best attribute was her commitment for group and team success as opposed to just her individual success. She would make sure that all of her classmates were included in every activity that we would do in class. “Share the sugar and spread the wealth” as we typically like to say. Gesa recognizes her exceptional dedication, hard work, and passion in both academics and sports. With an impressive track record (no pun intended) as an athlete and a commitment to pursuing physical education at Springfield College, Gesa exemplifies the qualities of an outstanding student and a role model for her peers. Her deep interest in PE/ Health has been evident through her active involvement in various sports activities as well as her college of choice. With her participation in cross country, and indoor/ outdoor track and field teams, Gesa has consistently demonstrated her exceptional skills, dedication, and commitment to her athletic pursuits. Her passion for physical education extends beyond the XC trail and the track, as she actively seeks opportunities to enhance her knowledge and understanding of what it takes to become a PE/ Health teacher. Gesa's commitment to further her studies in physical education at Springfield College is a testament to her passion for the subject. With Springfield College's renowned physical education program, Gesa will have the opportunity to hone her skills, expand her horizons, and make a positive impact on the lives of America’s youth. " WELL DONE GESA!
Looking forward to some extra time to read this summer? Curious about student summer reading?
On Wednesday, June 7th Maya Cook, Zoe Eastman-Grossel, Aggie Hunt and Madeline Soriano were honored at the 41st SHED (Shoreline Heads of English Teachers) Awards Ceremony at East Hampton High School.
Click on the image below to access the Winners' Book with all of the students' pieces WAY TO GO WILDCATS!Final Exams Reminders:
Review the entire document below for all the final events for the CLASS OF 2023 On Wednesday, the class of 2023 enjoyed their trip to Six Flags. Everyone seemed to have a great time going on several rides. We had fabulous weather. We arrived a little after the park opened and left when to park closed at 4pm. It was a great way to begin the final stretch of school year for the Class of 2023. On Thursday evening we shared a lovely evening at Langley's restaurant for the Senior Banquet. We had a wonderful buffet dinner after which students enjoyed watching their senior slide show down memory lane with photos from childhood all the way through high school. The the final piece to the evening was the distribution of the yearbooks. Students spent some time going over their pages and signing each other's books. It was really a wonderful event. Next event is Senior Breakfast on Thursday morning at 8 am followed by the graduation rehearsal and the distribution of the caps and gown ...all to prepare for the big event: GRADUTAION! Senior Banquet at Langley'sOn Tuesday last week, LOLHS welcomed in our class of 2027 with our annual Eighth Grade Orientation (EGO). Students were buddied up with a 9th or 10th grade student who brought them to a part of 2 of their classes to get a little glimpse into what next year will be like. The HS buddy took them on a tour of the entire school and introduced them to teachers a staff. The day also included participating in a Teacher / Student Panel to ask any lingering questions they may have; a Club Fair where they were able to get an idea of all the various clubs we have to offer and sign up to receive an invite to next year's first meeting; and an Athletic Panel where Ms. Heck led members of the Athletic Leadership Council to offer insight to LOLHS sports. After lunch at the high school, the class of 2027 adjourned to the auditorium where they had their first class meeting to listen to the candidates for class of 2027 give their amazing speeches. They returned to the Middle School to vote. It was a great day ... a lot of information was shared and hopefully absorbed. We are looking forward to next year. Stay tuned for information about our Freshmen Picnic which will take place on August 23.. the day before school begins! On Wednesday, May 24, twelve schools from the Shoreline Conference met at Valley Regional High School to recognize and celebrate this year’s Shoreline Outstanding Junior in Mathematics Award recipients. LOLHS proudly presents the 2023 Shoreline Outstanding Junior in Mathematics Award to Lina Yan. “This award is given to a junior who demonstrates a high degree of interest and enthusiasm for mathematics and who possesses a high level of ability, intuition, and conceptual understanding of the subject.” The LOLHS mathematics faculty fully agreed that Lina have consistently exhibited all of these qualities throughout her studies. CONGRATULATIONS LINA!
Important Dates: February
14- 22: February Break HOMEWORK FREE! 25: SAT Prep for ALL Juniors Session 1 March 4: SAT Prep for ALL Juniors Session 2 5: ASVAB Testing 7: 1/2 day PD 11: SAT Prep for ALL Juniors Session 3 13-16: Musical "Neewsies" 18: SAT Prep for ALL Juniors Session 4 18: District Choral Concert @ 7 26: SAT for juniors Pre-Order your Sandwich HERE
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