Select the image below to access the google slide show. Families, friends and faculty wanted to send you off with a farewell message. Take a look!
Don't forget to go to "PRESENT" on top right to get the full effect!
One last final CONGRATULATIONS to the Class of 2020. Here is the amazing virtual ceremony. It includes the speeches and music that makes it complete!
Below is a list of the names in the order in which they are seen in the the video. A special thanks to Mr. Eckhart for his dedication in making this video.
Here are some photos from Graduation Day 2020! Video of the graduation will be posted as soon as it is made available, A Tribute to the Senior members:Three Virtual Choirs:What better to end the school year and begin summer than with SONG! Take some time to listen to the three wonderful virtual choirs that were accomplished during distance learning. The first is "I Lived" selected as the Graduation Song, then is "One Voice", and finally, "Stars I Shall Find". Once again our music department does not disappoint. Enjoy! WELL DONE WILDCATS! AP/ ECE Summer Work:In an effort to streamline summer work and reading, our Library Media Specialists in our district have created a wonderful resource: this web page accessible at our Region 18 site. All AP/ECE assignments as well as summer learning resources/assignments can be found at this site (Select the image above to access). From there, you can either click on the AP icon on the homepage (lower right) or on the Reading/Math/Science Page and there are links to a Region 18 web page that has any assignments. Summer Reading & LearningWhile we don't have a prescribed summer reading list for underclassmen, we highly recommend that students and families refer to this page for wonderful summer reading recommendations. Additionally, there are several links at the top of the page that offer various resources in Math, Science, physical activity, etc. We invite you to take a look ... there are many summer opportunities there.
(The image above is linked to the page as well) CONGRATULATIONS TO THE CLASS OF 202O! YOU DID IT... IN WILDCAT FASHION! Select the image above to access The Day's write up on our graduation. Below... take a look at some of the photos as we prepared for the event. Stay tuned for the virtual graduation video which will be posted as soon as it is published! WELL DONE WILDCATS!
The boys tennis team honored the seniors this week — a canceled season couldn’t stop them! The underclassmen made signs and delivered them along with cupcakes (that looked like tennis balls), balloons and few other treats to the four senior players.
Darin and Kamber Hamou are interviewed by The Day. Select the image above to read the full article and below is the video of their interview.
A special thanks to the WLYM crew who kept us going through Covid closure!
And to all the WLYM Seniors... THANK YOU FOR YOUR YEARS OF WORK AND CREATIVITY! WELL DONE WILDCATS! Take a look at the LOLHS' band seniors with bios. Ryan McTigue recorded the music . Design your own Periodic Table of ………?Project Goal: Create a "Periodic Table" which demonstrates how objects we use every day, topics we discuss, foods we eat, etc, contain characteristics which allow us to group them using different patterns. More Fun with Chemistry LABS:Attached are some examples of the work Mrs. Kelley's L2 Chemistry and AP Chemistry students have done to show chemistry at home. Minute to Win It - AP ChemistryAP Chemistry students (after demonstrating their knowledge LABS) have some fun with problem solving skills with Minute to Win it challenges.
Elizabeth Cravinho explores the importance of being part of LOLHS' High School Band. Take a look!
Stacey Konakowitz, President/Founder of the Dylan Konakowitz Memorial Foundation, surprised Jean-Luc Bolduc last night at his home by presenting him with the Dylan Konakowitz Memorial Foundation Scholarship. This award is giving to high school athletes with Type 1 diabetes. Jean-Luc played soccer, ice hockey, lacrosse and his senior year led the Warriors football team on defense with 124 tackles. He submitted an essay to the DKMF about the challenges of playing sports with Type 1 diabetes
![]() For the past two years, the faculty of Lyme-Old Lyme High School has chosen one student from each grade who best exemplifies our four Core Values of Accountability, Respect, Perseverance and Integrity. The students’ commitment to these values provides the foundation for their success and helps to foster the positive culture of our school. CONGRATULATIONS AND THANK YOU TO THESE STUDENTS LEADERS WHO HELP MAKE
LOLHS WHAT IT IS! Freshman Wildcat Award............................... William Barry Sophomore Wildcat Award................................... Ellie Wells Junior Wildcat Award................................ Megan Cravinho Senior Wildcat Award................................ Conner Wyman On Friday, after posting and holding virtual campaigns, LOLHS held elections during covid closure. Congratulations to the following students who were elected as next year's class officers. Class of 2024 will be voting this week... stay tuned! Class of 2021
Lucas Wood-Muller, President Emma Boardman, Vice-President Schuyler Greenho, Secretary Megan Cravinho, Treasurer Franki Donato, Historian Class of 2022 Frank Sablone, President Ellie Wells, Vice-President James Creagan, Secretary Mary Wholean, Treasurer Olivia Turtoro, Historian Class of 2023 Alyssa Spooner, President Tova Toriello, Vice-President Monique Lavoie, Secretary Anna Davis, Treasurer Gretchen Burgess, Historian
The story of the Lyme-Old Lyme Boys Basketball team during their 2019-2020 season. The video encompasses the latter half of their season (final regular season games through the playoffs) until it was cut short due to the COVID-19 pandemic.
Senior Audrey Berry can now add to her impressive list of high school accomplishments that she is published. Her article on one of the first 5 women legislators in CT is published in the current issue of Connecticut Explored, the official publication of the CT historical society. Audrey Berry, in addition to being the president of the LOLHS Local History Club, spent the winter researching the life and achievements of Emily Sophie Brown, elected to the CT General Assembly directly after the 19th amendment enfranchised women. She consulted with the club advisor Mr. D’Aquila and Mrs. Burke served as her editor.
A link to the current issue of CT explored is posted here Congratulations Audrey! The L-OL Music Department recorded The Star-Spangled Banner (Virtual Choir Style). Each member of the department recorded separately at home and used technology to put it all together. A special thanks to Mr. Jay Wilson for audio editing! AMAZING TALENT! Congratulations to Emily Balocca and Raymond Doll for being selected as this year's Connecticut Association of Boards of Education Student Leaders. Mr. Wygonik presented the students with their award at last week's Board of Education virtual meeting. Both of these students are so deserving of this award. WELL DONE EMILY & RAY!
Students Achieve National Financial Literacy Certification![]() The Business Department is proud to announce that the following students have successfully demonstrated proficiency in Personal Finance by achieving a passing score on the nationally standardized Financial Literacy Certification Test. Subjects mastered include money, budgeting, banking, credit, insurance, investing, retirement planning, and financial planning and management. The following students are officially, nationally Certified Financially Literate:
In addition, Jared Ritchie, Garrett Smith, and Megan VanSteenbergen earned the status of W!SE Scholar. A W!SE Scholar is a student scored above a 95% on the test. Garrett had a perfect score on the test, a first for LOLHS! They are now eligible to apply for the W!SE Ambassador Award which is a prize of $1,000. CONGRATULATIONS TO ALL OF YOU FOR YOUR OUTSTANDING ACHIEVEMENT! Lydia Tinnerello Becomes Microsoft Excel Certified Too!
The 2019-2020 School photo files are still available online if you need any prints or digital files of your child. This is especially important for those families who purchased "Digital Downloads" and have not yet retrieved them.
The deadline for online orders is July 1st. Please follow these instructions:
Important Dates: February
14- 22: February Break HOMEWORK FREE! 25: SAT Prep for ALL Juniors Session 1 March 4: SAT Prep for ALL Juniors Session 2 5: ASVAB Testing 7: 1/2 day PD 11: SAT Prep for ALL Juniors Session 3 13-16: Musical "Neewsies" 18: SAT Prep for ALL Juniors Session 4 18: District Choral Concert @ 7 26: SAT for juniors Pre-Order your Sandwich HERE
(click on the image above to access the link) Do you know when your club meets? Click on the PAW to find out:
Select image above to complete the Student /Media Form if you do NOT want your student to be interviewed, photographed, or videotaped in conjunction with school-related events or publicity.
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February 2025