The Old Lyme Players' performance this weekend of One Stoplight Town was outstanding! From the costumes, set design and construction, directing, acting, lighting and behind the scene work... This was a wonderful production. Take a look at some of the scenes! WELL DONE WILDCATS!In case you missed it... check out the great article in The Day - Click on image to access the article.
The Spanish Honor Society and Amnesty International collaborated with the five High School 101 classes, for the third year, to send messages of love and support to children separated at the border from their parents. High School 101 was responsible for creating the front of the greeting cards and the inside will be filled in by the Spanish Honor Society and Amnesty International students. The cards' fronts were decorated with cartoon and movie images five-to-eight-year olds would recognize.
By Anna Davis Two weeks ago, in a high school not that far away ... the robotics team hosted the 22nd annual Bash at the Beach! Twenty-two teams came from across the state, with their robots from last year's season in tow, to play some friendly matches, kick off the new year, and have lots of fun while doing it! Congratulations to last week's leaderboard winners. Each week will be announcing the winners who have logged in to the most activities for the school events. Winners receive a surprise award for this accomplishment.
By Sabina Jungkeit
For its second bulletin board of the year, the Spanish Honor Society did a study on the repression of reproductive rights in Latin America. Although there are some places in Latin America, like in Columbia, where abortions are allowed on request, studies have shown that 97% of women in Latin America live under restrictive laws to their bodily autonomy. In many Latin American countries, abortions are banned, and in some countries, like El Salvador, people who recieve abortions can be legally prosecuted. Not only this, but some countries also have bans in place on certain contraceptives. Ultimately, these restrictions can lead to dangerous and life-threatening situations, such as unsafe abortions. The board presented a topic that, although sometimes difficult to talk about, is still deeply important to learn about, despite the moral challenges that it may present. The Spanish Honor Society remains dedicated to educating our community about topics within Spanish speaking countries, no matter how challenging they may be. A Review of Hispanic Music from each Decade
On Wednesday, with the help and support from Alli Behnke, our Prevention Coordinator, and Hilde Heck, student reps presented the Red Ribbon Pledge during lunches. Students signed the pledge of being safe, healthy and drug free. Here is the parent pledge to help support your child.
Host Family Opportunity. This fall a student from China enrolled in our school through an international student program. His name is Steven and he is a senior. He is extremely motivated to engage in our curriculum and experience American culture. He speaks both Chinese and English. Steven is currently living with one of our student’s families. As part of his program Steven is required to stay with at least two different families to broaden his cultural experiences. His stay with the current family will end on December 23rd and he will need a host family for the second semester. Here are some of the details involved in this opportunity.
By: Juanjo Vazquez-Caballero Students in Spanish AP/ ECE finished unit 1 about family and community. After a few evaluations at the end of the unit, students wanted to celebrate by watching a movie related to the unit, “El Orfanato” from director Guillermo del Toro. Students researched Latino and/or Hispanic recipes to eat during the movie. We are halfway through unit 2; let’s see what they come up with to celebrate it for this unit. Check out the article by Sabina Jungkeit, Co-Editor of The Osprey, about this play:
One Stoplight Town: The Relevance of Change in Our Lives... HERE In case you missed the article this past week...take a look -
click on the image below to take you there.
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The LOLHS French Club held its annual chocolate mousse event Thursday, 2022. Students learned to make French chocolate mousse before school in the Commons, then had the chance to eat what they had made during lunch. As usual, c’était délicieux ! by Zach & John Eichholz Last week, our society had the pleasure of having Mrs. Hajdu of the TASC department speak to us about Hungary! Hungary is a Eastern European nation located in the Balkans region of Europe. Historically, Hungary had been a powerhouse and controlled large swathes of land in the Austro-Hungarian empire and in fact, made up the majority of this great empire. Because of this, the Hungarian influence in the region is quite large. Mrs. Hajdu, although not ethnically Hungarian, lived in Hungary for seven years and eventually married a Hungarian. Mrs. Hajdu’s interest in Hungary first piqued while working at a restaurant in the United States. From there, she moved to Hungary and soon found work in the business sector proofreading documents translated from Hungarian into English. Mrs. Hajdu lived in the capital city of Budapest, which is actually composed of two cities, but eventually moved to the beautiful countryside. Hungarian is one of the most difficult languages to learn in the world, especially for native English speakers. Speaking about her experiences, Mrs. Hajdu stated that it took her around two years to learn the language and five years to master it. Interestingly enough, Mrs. Hajdu commented that she learned most of her Hungarian in the countryside given that many Hungarians in the city already spoke English. Overall, the Spanish Honors Society had an awesome time with Mrs. Hajdu which was reflected by the many questions the students had for her. In the future, we hope many students become more interested in the history, culture, and language of the great nation of Hungary and continue to learn more about various other countries in that region. On Nov. 8 a referendum will be held for the purpose of voting for the approval or disapproval of a proposal to issue bonds to address facilities needs in Lyme-Old Lyme Schools. There will be a public meeting Oct. 12 at Lyme School and Oct. 26 at Mile Creek School. Both meetings will be held at 7:00 PM. Please join us for a meeting and/or watch this space for more information to assist in making an informed choice. |
Important Dates:January
20:MLK No School 21: Exams 5+6 22: Exams 7+8 23: Last day of S1-E DAY all classes meet 23: Naviance Training for Parents 24: First day of S2 29: Wildcat Wednesday February 3-7:Valentine Carnation Sales 5: Sem.2 Wildcat Wednesday begins 6: Festival of the Bands @ 7 12: Academic Review 12: 8th Gr. Parent Night @ 6:30 13: PAB Mtg @ 6:30 14: 1/2 day PD 14- 22: February Break HOMEWORK FREE! Pre-Order your Sandwich HERE
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January 2025