The LOLHS Mock Trial Team won both trials at their last competition and will advance to the quarter finals. The students prepared for this for over 40 hours on Sundays and were praised by scoring attorneys and judges for knowing the law and their preparation. LOLHS is the only team in our region to win three years in a row! Two out of 12 teams are advancing- Lolhs & Sheehan. Quarter finals will be held the end of January at UCONN law.
Way to go Old Lyme! Level 2 Chemistry classes at LOLHS recently participated in the US Crystal Growing Competition 2016 sponsored by the organizations shown below and won second place nationally Overall for the second year in a row for grade 9-12 participants. We also placed 5th for Crystal Quality for grades 9-12 participants. Over 90 schools participated in this competition where students were challenged to grow the biggest single crystal of alum (aluminum potassium sulfate dodecahydrate) in 5 weeks. These crystals form large, clear octahedral shapes when grown under controlled conditions. Students used their knowledge of solutions discussed in class to first grow a seed crystal, then suspend it in the solution to grow a large, single crystal. They monitored their seed growth and made adjustments to maximize size and clarity of a single crystal- not an easy task. Official Sponsors: American Crystallographic Association, University of Buffalo SUNY Department of Chemistry, Ward’s Science, Bruker, Krackeler Scientific, American Chemical Society of Western NY and National Science Foundation
Congratulations Brennan Griffin!Brennan Griffin was selected as the Rotary Student of the month in Social Studies. Brennan was a standout choice for this honor because of his interest, creativity and dedication in his Social Studies classes. He excelled in AP US History (APUSH) his junior year and this year is taking AP Psychology as well as two senior electives, Global Issues and American History Through Film. He is active in the school online newspaper and both the play and musical productions. He is currently writing a novel for his senior project and applying to colleges. We look forward to hearing of this wildcat's future achievements.
![]() Emma Sked, a junior at Lyme-Old Lyme High School, has been appointed to the Governor’s Prevention Partnership Youth Council. She is one of 8 Connecticut youth selected through a competitive application process to serve as a member of this statewide organization whose mission is to help prevent underage drinking and substance use, prevent youth violence and bullying, and promote youth mentoring and peer to peer interactions. “I am very excited to meet other teens from around the state and work together on state-wide projects to have an impact on a larger community,” Emma stated. “I know that I cannot stop all teens from using substances all at once. But if each project I collaborate on results in one person stopping to think, ‘Why am I doing this?’, then my efforts are worth it.” Emma is the daughter of Elizabeth and Ken Sked of Old Lyme. Since her freshman year, she has been an active member of the Lyme-Old Lyme local prevention council, Community Action for Substance Free Youth Coalition (CASFY). Emma serves as CASFY’s Youth Advocate, taking a formal role in leading youth prevention projects with the Lyme-Old Lyme High School club REACH (Responsible Educated Adolescents Can Help), and participating in all aspects of the coalition. Emma’s work with the Lymes’ Youth Service Bureau and CASFY created the opportunity for her work on prevention at the state level. Emma’s activities at LOLHS include serving as a member of the Student Advisory Council, Student Leaders, Community Service, Spanish, Amnesty International clubs, and varsity softball. She is an Honor Roll student and has received awards in multiple subjects for academic excellence. Emma also works after school at the Old Lyme Children’s Learning Center. To learn more about CASFY, visit "Kindness is the language which the deaf can hear and the blind can see." - Mark TwainStudents in Video Production created and submitted these videos bleow to the Second Annual Envision Kindness Student Film Contest. These are short films that capture and inspire kindness. Please take a look and vote! You can vote for more than one video and you can vote from more than one device.
We need votes, views and shares to move on to the “official” judging so vote each day and share this with your friends. Just a few more pictures of the incredible event! Welcome back and job well done - LOLHS Band and Chorus definately made us real proud! COME JOIN US… We are having an impromptu viewing of the HAWAII CONCERT LIVE! WEDNESDAY, DECEMBER 7 LOLHS AUDITORIUM SHOW STARTS @ 5 BE THERE! My dream come true... being a chef! Before going into teaching, my dream was to become a chef! 28 years later and becoming an Assistant Principal was all I had to do to realize that dream. Chef Claude Sheff and I prepared Pasta Primavera with a side of Ceasar Salad and Garlic Bread. It was a GREAT DAY!
Old Lyme High School auditorium Thursday, December 8th Doors open at 6PM Tickets $15 Buy tickets online or at the door Includes FREE LIFT TICKET to Sugarbush or Killington 2 for 1 deal. Proceeds benefit the Lyme Old Lyme Education Foundation Raffle items - lift tickets to Mad River Glen, Okemo, Bromley, Smuggs, Sugarbush, Killington & Bolton Valley PLUS Skis, Helmet, Poles, Goggles and swag - Action Sports along with gift cards to Denali (link to site for more info) Forward to any skiing friends or clubs. Safe arrival and taking in the sights! Take a look at the first images in from Hawaii! LOLHS Band and Chorus left this morning at 1:00 am for Hawaii. On December 7 at 5 pm EST watch the live stream of the 75th Pearl Harbor Anniversary in Honolulu! What an honor and an amazing opportunity. View the live feed on Wednesday by accessing the video link below. The Community Service Club just completed the Winter Clothing Drive on November 30 and delievered loads of coats and clothes to the No Freeze Shelter in Norwich. For the month of December, they are running Food Drive. Remember to bring in canned and boxed food in Homerooms or there are boxes in the Commons for the month of December. Food will be collected and delivered to the Shoreline Soup Kitchen and Pantries on December 21. Also this month, during lunches on Tuesday and Thursday, join the Ping-Pong Challenge... Mr. Wang or Mr. Raucci will play you in Ping-Pong for a canned good! If you win, Mr. Raucci or Mr. Wang will double your donation... join the fun! |
Important Dates: February
14- 22: February Break HOMEWORK FREE! 25: SAT Prep for ALL Juniors Session 1 March 4: SAT Prep for ALL Juniors Session 2 5: ASVAB Testing 7: 1/2 day PD 11: SAT Prep for ALL Juniors Session 3 13-16: Musical "Neewsies" 18: SAT Prep for ALL Juniors Session 4 18: District Choral Concert @ 7 26: SAT for juniors Pre-Order your Sandwich HERE
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February 2025