DON'T FORGET: ALL INTERESTED SKIERS GET YOUR PERMISSION SLIP AND PAYMENT IN BY MONDAY, JAN. 6! On January 11th, LOLHS Ski Club is hosting a trip to Stratton Mountain Resort, VT. It costs $110 for the lift ticket and bus fare/gratuity and additional money will be needed to pay for meals. All the details are on the permission form below. Turn in permission form and money to Mr. Eckhart or Abby Sicuranza by January 6th, 2020 (the Monday we’re back from break). Parents are welcome to chaperone for the same cost. On December 20 LOLHS welcomed, once again, our Pre-Schoolers to judge our annual Door Decorating Contest. Student Advisory Council students welcomed them with open arms and toured them around the building to show them the sights. This years door winners are: Mrs. Todd's homeroom for their very creative snow globe, Mrs. Cleveland's homeroom for the very secret placement of the wildcat paw, and finally... the entire Science Department for their overall presentation of an amazing Polar Express decking the halls of LOLHS! Once the doors were judged and the Pre-Schoolers departed, the high school enjoyed their annual Holiday Assembly put on by the Student Leaders. It began with our incredible band performing a few holiday songs, followed by some quick class holiday competitions and the gran finale, we enjoyed the beautiful voices of the select singers! What a way to end 2019! Here we come 2020!
THANK YOU to all who contributed to the jewelry drive for Safe Futures. Due to your generous contributions over 50 children will have a gift for their mothers...not only for this Holiday Season, for Valentines Day also! Many, many thanks!!
The National Honor Society is sponsoring a winter coat drive. The clothing we receive will benefit Safe Futures, an organization dedicated to helping women and men coming from abusive relationships. The coat drive will be held after holiday break, Thursday, January 2nd until Friday, January 21st. NHS will be collecting coats, hats, gloves, scarves, and mittens. Please make sure they are clean and in good condition. The collection box will be located in the Commons. Please help us by donating for Safe Futures!
Congratulations to Jesper Silberberg and Aiden Powers for being selected as Decmeber's Lyme-Old Lyme Chamber Students of the Month! This year the Chamber has decided to celebrate two junior students (one in Business and one in Fine Arts) who have shown interest and excellence in the respective fields. This month, Jesper was selected for his distinction and interests in Business. He has taken and excelled in numerous business classes at the high school. He did extremely well in the stock market game in the Investments class and is interested in pursuing either International Business or Sales. Aiden was selected for his talents in Fine Arts. He has grown in his three years to show an extraordinary commitment to developing artistic skill and a willingness to employ new strategies/techniques to improve his work. As a sophomore he excelled while taking ECE/ UCONN Drawing and this year he is enrolled in and further developing his skills in AP Studio Art.
CONGRATULATIONS JESPER AND AIDEN WELL DONE! Congratulations to Max Bauchmann, Drew St. Louis and Aiden Goiangos who were recently approved as, and earned the high status of, Eagle Scout! All three LOLHS students are part of Lyme-Old Lyme Troop 26. Drew St. Louis of Troop 26 completed his Eagle service project at the Lyme's Senior Center in Old Lyme with the help of his fellow scouts, adult leaders, family and friends. Drew planned and managed the installation of four regulation horseshoe pits and two viewing benches. A total of eighty eight 18x18 inch pavers were installed for accentuating the pits and for marking of senior throwing lines. Max Bauchmann completed his service project at the Hamburg Fairgrounds. The project consisted of the refurbishment of the landscape stairs on the property. Lots of volunteers from Troop 26, friends and family made quick efficient work under Max's leadership which made the project a huge success! Aiden chose to focus his service project on our own school campus and built the Gaga Pit for LOL Middle School. With the help of his troop members, friends, and family, Under Aiden's leadership, he planned, organized and successfully installed a Gaga Pit that is used each day by the middle school students during their recess time. CONGRATULATIONS AND WELL DONE WILDCATS! By: Grace Lathrop
Economical Awareness We (the Spanish National Honor Society) explored different careers and jobs that you can thrive in with a degree in the Spanish language. We found that having knowledge of Spanish can help in many different careers, from being a doctor, teacher, working in foreign affairs, or even being a flight attendant. We were very interested in how our learning in class can help us in our future, so this was a good way of figuring that out. Saturday night's Senior Ball was a huge success! The venue, Bill Miller's Castle, was absolutely magnificent with beautiful holiday decorations and fireplaces roaring. Fun was had by all. Thank you to Ms Macione and the Senior Class Officers for putting on such a wonderful event! ![]() January 8 @ 6:30 p.m. - Understanding the School Budget Process January 15 @ 6:30 p.m. - School Budget Proposals for 2020-2021 January 22 @ 6:30 p.m. - Central Office Budget Proposals for 2020-2021 February 5 @ 6:30 p.m. - 2020-2021 Budget Forum ![]() NHS students collected the toys and made their delivery on Friday! Another success story of LOLHS pulling together for their community during the holidays. Not a berry was left on the wreath! Well Done Wildcats! On Thursday, December 12, Mr. Wang and Mr. Raucci arranged for students from St. Thomas Moore HS to join in on the after school fun. Students engaged in a Ping Pong competition. The hope is to continue this community connection and possibly extend to other Ping Pong clubs in the region. LOLHS band students had an AMAZING performance the the Winter Concert on Thursday night. If you were unable to attend, take a listen by clicking on the link below... It was a wonderful concert! WELL DONE WILDCATS!!! LINK: CONCERT MUSIC
PJ Day for the Kids is an opportunity for students and business partners across the state to show support for patients at Connecticut Children’s. Over the last 8 years, hundreds of thousands of participants have worn PJ’s in honor of children at the hospital who must wear their PJ’s for extended periods of time while fighting cancer or other serious illnesses.
See video below for more info: On Friday, December 13, LOLHS students along with the entire district participated in this event. LOLHS exceeded their goal of collecting over $500! WAY TO GO WILDCATS! Elizabeth Cravinho and Trevor Wells were awarded the Connecticut Association of Public School Superintendents’ (CAPSS) Superintendent/Student Recognition Award for leadership and service to the school, academic prowess relative to ability, and service to others in the community. The ceremony held on Tuesday December 10 at Saybrook Point Inn.
Ian Neviaser, Superintendent of Schools of Regional School District 18, made the presentation as part of a program designed by school administrators to recognize students who have served their schools and communities while maintaining good scholastic progress. The Superintendent/Student Recognition Program awards a Certificate of Excellence at the discretion of the local superintendent of schools according to a distribution formula set for all state school districts. Awards are generally given during American Education Week in November in order to provide a meaningful focus for each school district and to enhance the quality of the certificate. CONGRATULATIONS TO ELIZABETH AND TREVOR, WELL DONE!!!! ![]()
Dear Parents, We're using to organize our Winter Basketball Concessions. Please consider helping for a game or two, it is fun and easy! Here's how it works in 3 easy steps: 1) Copy this link to see our SignUp: 2) Review the options listed and choose the spot(s) you like. 3) Sign up! It's Easy - you will NOT need to register an account or keep a password on Note: does not share your email address with anyone. If you prefer not to use your email address, please contact us and we can sign you up manually. The Booster Club Membership letter is below, please consider joining! Go Wildcats!! Sincerely, 2019-2020 Booster Club Committee -- Wildcat Booster Club President, Naomi Marinelli Vice President, Kate Saunders Treasurer, Wen He Secretary, Kimberly Barbour The Lyme-Old Lyme High School's Community Service Club is hosting a 'slightly used jewelry drive' to benefit mothers and children in the Safe Futures organization. The collected jewelry will provide children with gifts to give their mothers for this holiday season. Donation boxes can be found in the faculty lounge and in Mrs. O'Connor's room. To participate, drop off slightly used jewelry (rings, bracelets, necklaces, etc.) in the designated boxes. The event will take place from December 6th to December 12th. We greatly appreciate your generous support for the local families of Safe Futures!
On Monday November 11, Veterans Day was celebrated with a service conducted at the Veterans Memorial at the Lyme Town Hall Complex on Hamburg Road. The service included remarks from local dignitaries, attendees joining voices in the Pledge of Allegiance, and, harkening back to the origins of Armistice Day, the tolling of a church bell eleven times followed by a moment of silence to remember all those who have served throughout history in defense of our freedoms. While sharing his remarks with those in attendance, the current Chairman of the Lyme Veterans Memorial Committee, Steve Olstein, took a few minutes to recognize the efforts of Evan to conceptualize the idea, pursue the approvals and funding, and then carry out over the course of the summer all the work required to create a border garden around the town’s Veterans Memorial. Mr. Olstein presented Evan with a hat signifying honorary membership in the Lyme Veterans Memorial Committee. Click on the image below to read the full story published in The Day on November 20th.
Important Dates: February
12: Academic Review 11: Band Concert @7 12: 8th Gr. Parent Night @ 6:30 13: PAB Mtg @ 6:30 14: 1/2 day PD 14- 22: February Break HOMEWORK FREE! Pre-Order your Sandwich HERE
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February 2025