I hope you have all had relaxing summer (even with the COVID-craziness) and you are all ready and delighted to come BACK TO SCHOOL! We have spent the summer planning and preparing for your return and thanks to our dedicated and hardworking maintenance crew; technology team; and amazing teachers and staff... we are ready for opening day, Tuesday, September 1! There are a couple of changes that were identified in our Reopening plan and important to keep in mind as we start the year. Some of these changes include: a four period daily schedule (schedule can be viewed in the right margin); staggered arrival times (found in the LOLHS Reopening Plans HERE); late arrival or early dismissal for any student who has Study Hall first (p. 1 or p.5) and/ or last period (p.4 or p.8), and four lunch waves to accommodate the CSDE guidelines. For our first four days of school, we will be following a slightly different schedule (see below). Students will attend homeroom first to allow for a live stream welcome and review of our reopening plans by Mr. Wygonik on Tuesday, the distribution of Chromebooks on Wednesday, and on Thursday and Friday virtual class meetings and advisory review. (Late arrival and early dismissal will not begin until September 8, after Labor Day) We are eager to get our students back to the classroom and looking forward to Tuesday! Just a reminder... if you have not already done so, please complete the LOLHS registration on Family ID (link can be found HERE) which includes the 1:1 laptop agreement necessary for your child to receive the Chromebook on Wednesday. All newcomers and the class of 2024 are invited to join us on Monday August 31, 2020 for an orientation meeting that will include:
The schedule for the event is HERE Parents of newcomers and the class of 2024, please join Ms. Lenz and me for a virtual meeting and presentation on that same evening from 6:30 - 7:15. Meeting link information can be found HERE For a list of supplies for incoming freshmen, click here |
Important Dates:January
20:MLK No School 21: Exams 5+6 22: Exams 7+8 23: Last day of S1-E DAY all classes meet 23: Naviance Training for Parents 24: First day of S2 29: Wildcat Wednesday February 3-7:Valentine Carnation Sales 5: Sem.2 Wildcat Wednesday begins 6: Festival of the Bands @ 7 12: Academic Review 12: 8th Gr. Parent Night @ 6:30 13: PAB Mtg @ 6:30 14: 1/2 day PD 14- 22: February Break HOMEWORK FREE! Pre-Order your Sandwich HERE
(click on the image above to access the link) Do you know when your club meets? Click on the PAW to find out:
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January 2025