Come and get 'em! ... Good eats! Lyme-Old Lyme High School Food Service Department is proud to participate in the Farm to Chef Program this week, September 19-23. This program, sponsored by the State Department of Agriculture, helps connect Connecticut chefs and food service professionals with growers, producers, and distributors of CT Grown products. It also helps the public locate restaurants, institutions, and other dining facilities that serve foods prepared with CT Grown ingredients.
Gary Holland and Chef Claude are so excited to offer our students some wonderful, farm-fresh choices this week. Menu items include: Tomato Pie, Ratatouille, Peach Cobbler, Caprese Salad, and Corn Pudding. Gary and Chef Claude are working with Boticello Farms in Manchester and Bishop's Orchards in Guilford to provide this great opportunity to eat healthy and local to our school community. As well, featured this week in the servery are Maple Kettle Korn from our own Bureau's Sugar House in Old Lyme along with Fresh Apple Cider and Gala Apples from Bishop's Orchards.
Betsy Coverdale
9/20/2016 09:18:55 am
Love this!!! I teach my children about whole, organic and local foods as being this best choices for their health. ❤️ Comments are closed.
Important Dates: February
14- 22: February Break HOMEWORK FREE! 25: SAT Prep for ALL Juniors Session 1 March 4: SAT Prep for ALL Juniors Session 2 5: ASVAB Testing 7: 1/2 day PD 11: SAT Prep for ALL Juniors Session 3 13-16: Musical "Neewsies" 18: SAT Prep for ALL Juniors Session 4 18: District Choral Concert @ 7 26: SAT for juniors Pre-Order your Sandwich HERE
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