Friday, November 11, proved to be, yet again, a wonderful demonstration of LOLHS' gratitude and honor for our local Veterans. Our Wildcat Band and Chorus performed with heart and soul that stole the show. Tova Toriello was a fantastic Master of Ceremonies. Billy Barry made the opening remarks reminding us about the history of Veterans Day. Capt. Benjamin Karpinski was introduced by his son, Simon, as this year's guest speaker who shared some laughs as well as some insightful thoughts about serving in our community whether in the service or not. Our VFW announced the winners of the Voice of Democracy Essay Contest. We had six essay contest winners who answered and shared an excerpt of thier responses to the question "Why is a Veteran Important?". Congratulations to Skylar Kobelia, Maggie Thuma, Teagan Iglesias, Zoe Brunza, Quinn Arico and Alexis Grasdock whose essays will be forwarded to the state level for judging. It was a beautiful ceremony for our Vererans - the heroes who have unselfishly dedicated their lives fighting to provide us with the freedoms we hold near and dear as American Citizens. We thank them for joining us on Friday and making the day so special.
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