LOLHS Students Recognized for Connecticut Association of Public School Superintendents Award!2/9/2020
Elizabeth and Trevor were recognized at this week's Board of Education Meeting. Mr. Wygonik presented them with their awards after explaining what makes these two students exceptional candidates for these awards. "Elizabeth is energetic and determined. When you give her a task, consider it done. This energy level comes in handy when you consider all that she juggles: Concert Band President, Spanish Honor Society Vice President, the National Honor Society, Student Advisory Council and Student Leaders, all while taking a challenging academic schedule. Her altruistic nature motivates her to volunteer at Christ the King Church, Phoebe Griffin Noyes Library and Special Olympics. This genuine young woman is as good as they come. She has an unprecedented work ethic, strong beliefs and a sense of purpose to make things happen. She is highly respected by her classmates and teachers. Elizabeth embodies the values and character of our school and is most deserving of this honor." "Trevor Wells is a leader and role model at Lyme-Old Lyme High School known for his determined work ethic, leadership, and boundless energy. A National Honor Society member and President of the senior class, Trevor takes on the most rigorous courses. He is motivated by a strong curiosity and thirst for knowledge, which is evidenced by his enrollment in three different language courses, Latin, Spanish and Mandarin. He is also a two-sport athlete who serves as the captain of both the cross-country and track teams. Trevor has been instrumental in the success of so many clubs and activities and has truly made a mark within the Lyme-Old Lyme High School community. His impact has been broad and extensive, and his leadership and unstoppable energy have benefited so many. " WAY TO GO WILDCATS! Comments are closed.
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20:MLK No School 21: Exams 5+6 22: Exams 7+8 23: Last day of S1-E DAY all classes meet 23: Naviance Training for Parents 24: First day of S2 29: Wildcat Wednesday February 3-7:Valentine Carnation Sales 5: Sem.2 Wildcat Wednesday begins 6: Festival of the Bands @ 7 12: Academic Review 12: 8th Gr. Parent Night @ 6:30 13: PAB Mtg @ 6:30 14: 1/2 day PD 14- 22: February Break HOMEWORK FREE! Pre-Order your Sandwich HERE
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